Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Create Pets Blog Instantly With SEO & Adsense Optimized Wordpress Themes

We have heard so much good things about Wordpress lately ... its flexibility, plenty of widgets, and its powerful offline capabilities etc..... So, we have done some research online for the Best SEO and Adsense Optimized Theme for our blog and we came across this .......

Instant Wordpress ThemesCame across something interesting today! Found out that Gobala Krishnan had just launched Volume 1 of his "Instant Wordpress Themes", and you can get 7 beautifully designed Wordpress themes for just $1 each.

According to Gobala, these themes are "plug-in-profit" themes, which means all you need to do is insert your Adsense ID and Clickbank ID, and you're in the money making zone.

We just got our copy, and it looks great! Click here to check it out.

So now, the challenge will be to make the switch from Blogger to Wordpress ..... hmmmm what do you think ? should we ..... ?? :)

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