Thursday, October 4, 2007

High Interest In Natural and Organic Pet Products

High consumer interest in natural and organic products, will propel the market for natural pet products from $1.3 billion in 2007 to $2.5 billion by 2012, according to Natural, Organic and Eco-Friendly Pet Products in the U.S., a new report from Packaged Facts.

The report shows tracked sales of natural pet food through supermarkets, drugstores, and mass merchandisers surging in 2006, rising more than 200% to reach $29 million. Sales exploded during the first two quarters of 2007, however, nearly tripling to $82 million and further showing the impact of changing consumer perceptions in the wake of the recalls.

“The impact of the pet food recall may be felt for years to come, as consumers make product safety a top concern and marketers respond by placing appeals like product safety, reliability, and quality at the forefront,” notes Don Montuori, Vice President of Publishing. “Although pet specialty outlets are still the primary venue for natural and organic products, these products are rapidly infiltrating mass-market outlets, where growing demand represents big opportunities for natural and organic marketers.”

A recent Newsweek article entitled “How to Cut Your Carbon Paw Print” highlights some of the products being marketed to pet parents. Among them are biodegradable waste containers, environmentally friendly cat litter, dog and cat toys made from earth-friendly products and all-natural pet shampoos and sprays.

Article Source Taken From Itchmo

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Johann The Dog said...

So true!!! Check out my squidoo lens - - we wrote on the subject. Stay green, BOL!!! Woofs, Johann