Friday, December 10, 2010

Article From Picking The Right Pet

Getting a pet is a huge responsibility. It is
also extremely exciting and fun. Most kids dream
of having some sort of pet whether it is a
goldfish, a dog, a rabbit, a cat or maybe a
hamster. The type of pet varies for all types of
people. Not everyone fits all sorts of pets. Some
people are not active enough for dogs or some
people do not like to clean out cages so a
hamster would be a bad idea. Also, not everyone
has the ability to give certain pets the care
they require. For example, dog boarding can
really be expensive. Not all families can afford
to board their pets when they go out-of-town. Vet
costs are very expensive sometimes as well. All
of these things are very important when
considering getting a pet. Here are a few things
to consider when looking into getting a family

Dogs are the most popular pet to get, but are
also some of the most high maintenance. People
who love dogs will tell you that the benefits
outweigh the costs, but if you have never owned a
dog you need to seriously consider those costs
before you invest. First off, dogs are expensive
especially when you consider the veterinarian
visits; dog food, toys and grooming you will have
to spend a lot of money. Also, if you are not
good at training your dog you might have to pay
for classes. Also, you definitely have to train
your dog. An untrained dog will leave you with
broken furniture and chewed shoes! However, dogs
offer a lot of companionship and live a very long
time. They are very interactive and fun as well.

Cats are the next most popular animal. They are
less active than dogs and are a little less
expensive. Cats vet fees are lower than dogs as
is the price you would spend on food. They do,
however, like to scratch things. You would need
to invest in a scratch board or get their claws
taken off. Also, they need a litter box, so keep
in mind you would have to keep that off. Cats are
good at being companions or hanging around. For
people who do not like to run around as much or
need to be as attentive would love cats.

Gerbils, hamsters, or other types of rodents are
fun pets, but are also very smelly. They are
often good pets for little kids but parents do
not like them as much. If you have a small house
and are bothered by smells, do not invest in a
rodent. However they are good for people who
cannot afford or do not have enough space for a
dog or cat. They will obviously bite, but do not
come with much risk either. The only costs for
these types of animals are bedding and a cage and
food. You can feed the rodents veggies and things
as well if you would rather do that. Rodents are
good but are not long-lasting pets. If you want
something that will accompany you or your family
for a few years, this may not be the pet for you.

For more information on dog boarding go to .

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