Sunday, December 11, 2011

A Glance At Animal Varieties In Spain

By Fabio Garcia

In Spain, there are numerous regions that are geographically different, having various climate and terrain types within the country's borders. Because of this, Spain has many types of animals that originated there. The people who visit Spain are pleased to see many attractive types of animal wildlife species and the country also offers excellent bird watching.

As an illustration, the two types of wildlife found in Spain are the Wild Mountain Bear and the Egyptian mongoose, that is difficult to find. For the reason of protecting and preserving its wildlife, Spain has large parts of land kept specially for nature reserves.

An example of animals that have been a permanent part of Spanish wildlife traditionally is the Brown Bear. However, the bear has suffered a lot during the past century as the records kept by wildlife authorities show that the number of Brown Bears that lived in Spanish wild areas when the twentieth century began was more than one thousand.

Today, despite improvements in wildlife conservation programs in Spain, numbers of brown bears in Spain have dwindled to only 100. The very best place to spot a brown bear among the wildlife of Spain is in the Cordillera Cantabrica National Park in Spain where the Brown Bear is just one of many types of wildlife that can be found.

An example of wildlife found in Spain and that has its origins in the country is the Iberian Lynx. You may not find this animal in other areas of the world and it is now an example of the wildlife species in Spain which may become extinct. The population of the Iberian Lynx is decreasing fast and this has led Spanish authorities to protect it.

Animal experts in Spain who are responsible for monitoring levels of various species of wildlife in Spain estimate that the current number of Iberian Lynx's in Spain is about 400.

If you want to see the Iberian Lynx, the famous Donana National Park of Andalusia in the Southern part of Spain is the best place where you can see this animal.

Another animal that is satisfying enough for wildlife watching lovers to see when they visit Spain is the Long Haired Mountain Goat. According to wildlife experts, the current population of this goat in this country is around twenty thousand. Hence, you can easily see this animal in Spain compared to other types of wildlife that are more difficult to spot.

Male mountain goats have lengthy horns and this combined with their speed when climbing steep mountains makes them quite interesting to see when people visit Spain. Hunting the Long Haired Mountain Goat is controlled so that the numbers of this animal do not reduce within the ecosystem.

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