Saturday, December 17, 2011

How To Care For Pigs - Vital Tips to Remember

There are different breeds of pig but they
basically have the same physiology and anatomy.
Pigs aren't really high maintenance animals so
it's easy how to care for pigs. Whether you're
keeping a pot bellied pig as a pet or you're
running a pig farm, their healthy must be your
number one priority. Like all animals, providing
adequate living quarters, the proper nutrition,
sanitation and health care is how to care for

When building a house for your pig, remember
that pigs are sensitive to heat and cold. On
very hot days, they need a place to cool off.
This is because unlike humans, pigs don't have
sweat glands and can't regulate body heat on
their own so you need to take proper steps how
to take care for pigs during hot and cold days.
Build them a pool so they can cool their body;
the depth of your pool must be at enough for the
water to cover your pig. To make them comfortable
during colder days, give their shelter enough
bedding made of straw or hay; at least 16 inches
high is enough.

It is also a good idea to have a vet check your
pigs every now and then. If you keep pigs as a
pet, you can just take them to the nearest
clinic. However, if you own a pig farm it would
be better to get a specialized vet to make a
house call so all your pigs can be checked out.
Pigs have an impressive vitality and won't get
sick easily, but you should watch out for swine
diseases. Vets will also give you some advices
on how to care for pigs.

If you're keeping pigs as a pet, you should have
them neutered as early as possible. Sexually
ready males can be aggressive and rowdy. At
about five weeks old male pigs become fertile so
it would be better if you have them neutered
before then. Females, on the other hand, should
be sprayed at about 4 months old. At 10 months
old, the risk of cancer is very high for
unsprayed females. Spraying female pigs to make
their lives longer is how to take care for pigs.

You also need to protect your pigs from
predators. It may seem unlikely but dogs can see
pigs as prey. If you have a pet pig, keep them
away from your neighbor dogs as much as
possible. On the farm, pigs are safe when mixed
with cows and goats but keep them away from
horses. Your pigs may startle the horses when
they're grazing which could result to the horse
killing the pig.

So remember these factors in mind. You will find
that picking up skills on how to care for pigs
does not need to be difficult when you're
learning from someone who have experienced. If
you would like more tips on how to care for
pigs, take a look at:

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