Friday, December 16, 2011

How To Raise Ducks - Vital Tips For Raising Ducks

It's quite easy to learn how to raise ducks.
Raising ducks, of course, is another matter
entirely. Below are a few of the things one
should consider when learning to
start keeping ducks. However, there
are countless resources that are available for
those who are planning to establish their own
duck farming operations. 

One important thing is to learn about the
different breeds of ducks that one can raise or
breed. Learning how to raise ducks can be easy
if you know your purpose for breeding them.
There are ducks that are bred only for
decorative purposes and that are entered in duck
or poultry contests, for instance. There are also
those that are to be fattened because their meat
sells well in the commercial market. There are
also those that are prized for their eggs.
Still, other breeds are more self-sufficient
than others, allowing their owners to expand
operations more easily. How to raise ducks can
also depend on the type of environment that you
have. You need to have a backyard big enough to
accommodate duck coops and also safe enough so
that you don't constantly have to be on the
lookout for predators.

Knowing how to raise ducks can best be learned
by raising ducklings. This is because it is
still relatively easy for you to take care of
them, albeit, a little bit more work is
required. However, you can start learning what
types of food to feed them, what temperatures
they will be more comfortable in, and also how
you should clean their coops and water fences.
It may be a bit hard to start learning how to
raise ducks if you already get them as adults or
as adolescents. At about six months, your ducks
should already begin laying eggs. If you have a
duck that is good at egg laying, then this may
be good news. They are said to lay at least one
egg a day -- a good return for your investment.

Another important aspect on how to raise ducks
is brooding. As soon as the ducklings hatch,
they should be placed in a brooder. If you are
using the chicken brooding method, however, the
hen will do the job. Put a soft litter and make
sure that the duck brooder is clean and dry. You
can use wood shavings or corncob for your litter.
Put a 250-watt lamp to ensure that your ducklings
are getting adequate heat. About 90 degrees
Fahrenheit temperature should be maintained; it
should be decreased by 5 degrees on the
succeeding weeks.

Learning how to raise ducks can also best be
started while they are young as -- you also may
discover -- ducks also have their own

In fact, lots of people raise ducks not just for
what they can earn but also for the fulfillment
and entertainment that they get out from doing
so.This means that you can also treat them as
pets. If you would like to learn more about
raising ducks and avoid costly mistakes, please

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