Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Simple Methods Of Teaching Your Pup With Success

The pet corrector is a training tool that
consists of a spray can which can be held in the
hand for controlling undesired activity. Should
your pooch engage in incessant barking, jumping,
stealing and chewing of items that are off limits
it can be addressed with this device.
Professionals in the pet industry have utilized
this tool in encouraging desired behavior.

This spray can is available in two sizes from
pets shops online and includes a large nozzle on
the top which is depressed for functioning. The
button should be pressed as soon as your canine
friend is engaging in an annoying activity which
will distract the animal and stop the behavior.
This is possible through a hissing sound that is
emitted due to compressed air which is not
harmful to pets.

Snakes and geese are a few of the species that
engage in a hissing sound against potential
predators when under threat. The pet corrector
emits a similar sounding noise which the dog or
cat will respond to in awareness of the warning.
An instinctual response is to move away from the
situation which results in the end of unwanted

Pets will not be harmed by the distraction and
it is simply an effective strategy in gaining
control and in training your best canine friend.
A great advantage of this product is in the
ability to positively reinforce the desired
response from your dog post pet corrector. After
the hiss has been emitted, praise your pooch for
stopping the unwanted activity.

Animals learn through a process of conditioning
in which behaviors are associated with
particular stimuli. By continuing exposure to
the hissing noise during bad behavior your pet
will soon recognize that it only attracts
negative attention. With praise and reward
immediately after the negative trait, the animal
will learn that quitting the activity means a

The pet corrector can be used in controlling
both cats and dogs for positive outcomes and
does not cause any harm to the animal. Behaviors
which can be addressed through this tool include
continuous barking, jumping, aggression and
stealing. The product has been designed to end
the bad habits pets may have become accustomed
to and despite every effort, you have been
unable to curb the undesirable traits which
makes this a great tool for stopping poor

This product is readily available and also comes
in a 50 ml compact spray can so it is easily
mobile. When you are considering going on a
vacation with your pets but are fearful of a bad
habit spoiling the getaway, the hissing product
can be transported within a small bag for
convenience. Even those who regularly cycle or
engage in evening walks can carry a small can
along with them should they be pestered by a
stray dog.

The pet corrector has been designed as an
effective tool to train pets in desired behavior
and curbing unwanted activity. It makes use of an
inert gas and has been proven to be safe to use
with both cats and dogs. All that is required is
the depression of the button at the right moment
to distract your pooch from continuing with the
bad habit.

The pet corrector is a great way of training your
wayward dog. You can purchase from pets shops
online such as Ilmopet - as well as other fab
animal and pet accessories

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