Monday, July 8, 2013

How To Go About Choosing A Dog Portrait Artist

By Connie Sears

Thousands of families keep dogs as pet so that they can share their homesteads in a way that makes their lives bright. Getting a dog portrait artist to make a sketch of their beloved dog is an upcoming trend nowadays. Any family member who feels that their pet is very much part of the family would definitely love to make a portrait of him. Furthermore, should something happen to the dog and it dies; the sketch would be a much treasured reminder.

Making a dog portrait needs some specialized skill that very few painters are talented enough to have it. The most recommended manner of going about choosing such an artist is to take a close look at their portfolio. This will assist the dog owner get the painter who has the skill that will match the sketch he wants of his pet. Looking at the reviews posted on the painters website is recommended so that one can find whether previous customers had positive reviews.

Pet portraits are available in different mediums, with every one of them producing a unique result. Some painters prefer using oil paints, while others work with watercolors, charcoal and acrylics. The pet owner should inform the painter of their preferences so as to find out if they can be accommodated. They should also specify the preferred size of the canvas, together with whether to frame it or not, as this contributes a lot to the outcome of the project. To establish a good communication with the painter is of great importance, as it will make the dog owners preferences be understood.

Once the painter has been chosen, the best sketch starts with a sharp clear photograph that showcases the pets personality. The owner then discuses the scheduled completion date and price of the project. The artist should make plans to keep the owner updated on the portrait progress, while allowing the owner to suggest any changes that may have to be made.

Several factors determine how much the project will cost, such as the specifics. The price can also depend on the painting size together with how many subjects are there. Another factor is which materials will be used by the artist, which can make quite a difference. How popular, skilled and experienced the painter is also plays a role in coming up with the charge.

Before finishing up the transaction, the pet owner should be up to date with the payment arrangements. One can be required to give the painter a deposit prior to becoming a client officially. Additionally, should the artist have many customers waiting for services, the dog owner should be prepared to wait. Finding out how long finishing the painting will take is a priority, together with whether it can be framed.

The painter will probably ask for a photograph of the dog to get a glimpse of what to draw. The owner can give photos of the best moments shared with the dogs, and those showing its best personality. A better way is to provide pictures with cool backgrounds such as the pets home or a cool scenery.

Having a good dog portrait artist for getting the best from a pet is a decision the pet owner will definitely not regret. Hence, he should invest time to conduct the search, eventually selecting one who will not disappoint.

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