Sunday, September 8, 2013

When Seeking A Pet Consider The Saluki Dog Breed

By Lila Berger

These days it is interesting to see how many people are looking for the Saluki dog breed. These are very impressive animals and one is inclined to be attracted to their kind natures. The important thing here, is to get a pure breed and not to go with the cross.

When it comes to buying a new canine for the family one has to keep a few things in mind. Getting a pet means that there is a lot of responsibility that goes with it. You have to be prepared to offer up some time and effort when it comes to keeping him healthy and in good condition.

Fortunately, with a little bit of attention they can do many interesting things. Any animal can be trained and it is pleasing when you have a well behaved and trained pup. One has to teach him to go outside to relieve himself and also to be on guard when you need him to be. Fortunately they learn very quickly and you will soon see some results.

Something you should take into consideration before even thinking about getting one is the space you have for him to be in. No animals like to be confined to a small space as they need to exercise and stretch their legs. Therefore it is important to do some research before you go out and get one. One needs to determine how much space you have and how much space the dog you want to get is going to need. When it comes to getting one the best thing you can do is locate a registered breeder in your area. Of course many people travel far distances for their puppies and of course there is nothing stopping you from doing the same. Going to a reputable breeder means that you will be able to see the animals at the kennels. You should take not e of their behavior when they are together and watch them play for a while.

There are few thing to remember with a pet. For example, he will need to be exercised which may mean that you have to take him out for walks in the park. This way he will get to know his environment and will know where he lives.

Once you have observed the pups at play and have seen the parents, you can then make a choice of the one you want. Make sure that the breeder has the registration papers for you. He will also have to present you with the inoculation papers too as this ii s the breeder's responsibility. You will need these for the first visit to the vet as well as if you intend breeding or showing him.

It is highly imperative that you do this as the food in the local supermarket is never good enough for the canine. These foods are very low in nutrition and do nothing more than fill him up. Do not be fooled by the price and think that the food for your pup is irrelevant.

Grooming for any animal is very important and you need to set aside some time for him every day or two. This includes brushing with special brushes and an occasional bath is important too. Once again, when it comes to this you also need to get the right shampoo for the Saluki dog breed.

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