Sunday, November 17, 2013

For Best Results Try Out In Home Dog Training In Longmont CO

By Bonnie Contreras

Owning a pet is a decision the whole family needs to be involved in. Each person in the home has to agree that they will all treat the animal the same way. Give the same commands and teach it to be an obedient and pleasurable addition to the house. One of the ways of ensuring that this will happen it to invite the services of an expert at in home dog training in Longmont CO to train not only your animal, but everyone in the home about how to create an environment that is pleasant for all.

You tend to start a relationship with a dog by thinking of ways to training the pup. You then realize you know absolutely nothing about how to go about making your pet the lovable creature you want it to become. Suddenly the idea of getting a real professional to come and do some training seems like a really good idea.

There is nothing worse than having an ill mannered dog. Its equally as bad as having an unruly child. Guests arrive to visit only to be met by a slobbering dog jumping up on their brand new designer dress. That does not make for good friendships.

There have probably been times when you have arrived at someone's door to be met by a yapping dog, unable to greet or speak to the person you are visiting. The incessant barking is ear splitting and the owner seems unable to get the dog to be quiet. All the neighbours in the complex are also becoming extremely irritated and soon the body corporate is advised and there is a knock on the door to tell the person to either keep their dog quiet or get rid of it.

Children need to be taught from a young age to respect animals and how to treat them. Owners should socialise their animals so that when visitors arrive with children there are no opportunities for bad things to happen between the dog and the child. Reports in newspapers of children being attacked by someone's dog in a social setting are far too frequent.

Going home and fixing that broken fence, or putting a better lock on the gate may be too late, but it may just save the life of your other animals. Having a pet is a huge responsibility. There are far too many people who do not take their responsibility seriously enough and should never be allowed to own a pet.

There are organizations that do free rabies shots and innoculations whose fees are sometimes cheaper than what vets charge. Some of these organizations will also sterilize your animal for a nominal fee. There is no excuse for not having a well cared for healthy pet.

When you walk past a pet shop, or think of going to a breeder remember to acquire some knowledge about the type of pet you want. If you are unable to take your pet for lessons at a training school, then using experts at in home dog training in Longmont CO will be your best bet. Having a healthy, well behaved pet is a joy. They can become your best companion and your most loyal friend with some home dog training in Longmont CO.

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