Monday, November 18, 2013

General Information On Squirrel Removal Service

By Dave L. Weglin

Squirrel removal service is available through many different companies. These animals are largely considered pests when they get in homes, particularly in attics. There are ways to remove the animal without professional help, but it is highly recommended that professionals be called on to removal the animal or animals in the most humane of ways.

Most homeowners find that this animal is living in their attic when they hear scampering and scratching noises on a frequent basis. A lot of animals live in these places, including pigeons, bats, squirrels, opossums, rats, raccoons and mice. They may also take over different areas of the property, for example: space between the floors, wall voids and soffits.

It is important to find out where the animals are getting in and out. Once the entrances have been located, special traps or exclusion doors can be installed. Repeater traps catch all the squirrels in a shot and exclusion doors are meant to let the animals out but not back inside. Another solution is setting up small cage traps on the roof, but these can catch squirrels that are not necessarily the target as well. There are also repellents that may be effective.

The professionals who do this as their job tend to know all that is necessary and have the required tools to get the job done. They can also help identify the point of entry and number of squirrels. The primary step is assessing the situation. The goal is to catch the animals and take them to a place that is miles from the property they were at.

Once these animals have been removed entirely, the professionals or homeowners should clean up the area in which they were living. They are likely to see feces and nesting material. Likewise, the property should be checked to ensure that no electrical wire damage has been done.

There are numerous reasons as to why these are unwanted in attic or homes. These animals often shred wallpaper or roof in order to make bedding material. They might also shred the vent ducts and insulation that is located around pipes. The biggest issue is that they tend to chew through wires and other materials. Fires, water damage, power outages and tripped alarm systems are just a few examples of problems caused by chewing squirrels.

These animals can also die in the attic, leaving a horrible odor. They also defecate and urinate everywhere, which is cause for health concern. Droppings of squirrels are host to numerous zoonotic diseases. Squirrel removal service is widely used and available in many parts of the world. This may be done professional or by property owners, depending on the severity of the issue.

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