Friday, November 8, 2013

Get Your Dog Into Shape With These Puppy Training Tips

By George Michaels

You care about your dog, but you also like your house. That said, your dog doesn't feel the same way. Read on to find out how to train your dog so your life can be less stressful.

Dogs will focus on something and ignore all else unless something breaks that attention. If you are consistent and use repetition, your dog will start to wait for your signals before focusing on something.

Whenever your dog improves in his training, allow him some extra freedom. It is important that you reach a balance between freedom and obedience in order to establish a satisfying relationship. Don't be too lenient all of the sudden though, as this can have a negative effect.

Be prepared to reward the dog as soon as it completes a positive behavior. You want your dog to recognize that when you give it a command and it does the task, it is doing what you want it to do. Rewarding good behavior and not bad behavior will help your dog to learn the difference between the two.

Primary reinforcement is the most popular way to train a dog. Primary reinforcement involves utilizing something that the dog loves to reward good behavior. This can be in the form of treats or something that your dog loves to do. This will teach your dog how to get something he already wants.

Don't extend training sessions. The attention span of a dog is pretty short, so it is important to keep them interested in training by keeping the training short. You can choose to adopt a more intensive regimen, but only if you are willing to allow your dog a few moments of relaxation and play to break up the session.

Primary reinforcement is key during training your dog. Primary reinforcement uses the things that your dog loves as rewards for positive behavior. Primary reinforcement could be treats or giving your dog a belly rub. Your dog will learn well from this.

Be aware of the other dogs when taking yours for a walk. You have no idea how well trained the other dog is. Keep your dog at a distance from angry or aggressive dogs.

If you keep training sessions positive, your dog will always look forward to them. Keep your training sessions to a period of time that is less than 15 minutes. When you give your dog rewards, make sure they are varied and as often as needed. Praising your dog is the best way to ensure continued obedience. When training is fun, he will pay attention and listen to what you say.

To conclude, it's vital that you train your dog right. A well-behaved pet is less likely to injure himself and will also help you avoid the cost and frustration of household repairs. When you apply the ideas you've just read, you are taking yourself one step closer to training your dog properly.

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