Sunday, November 10, 2013

Havanese Puppies For Sale Have Charm

By Alyce Powell

In order to find a breed of dog that is the best match for one's own lifestyle, there are several factors that one should take into consideration. It is important to find one that has personality traits that are compatible with those of the potential owner. If looking for a smaller pet that enjoys receiving a lot of attention and cuddling, searching Havanese puppies for sale may actually be a beneficial choice.

Generally considered to be one of the smartest and sturdiest of the toy breeds, these pups are tiny, but tough. Their weight can range anywhere between seven and fourteen pounds and they can reach a height of 8.5" to 10.5". Their body shape is interesting as they are a bit longer than they are tall.

These dogs have a luxurious coat that is long and silky, but it is usually kept cut short because without a lot of brushing it easily becomes a terribly matted mess. The fur is lightweight and may come in virtually any shade of whites, creams, browns and blacks, and since they barely shed, this breed is great for people with allergies. They have a recognizable and distinguished look that can often appear quite disheveled.

Body shape for this breed is easiest to describe as stocky and barrel chested with a curled plume tail that rides up over their straight back. The heads are kind of round and have high set ears that bend and hang. Their muzzles are short and rectangular, centered with a squared nose and featuring black lips.

Generally, this breed does not have many health issues to speak of with the exception of age related eye problems and the occasional bought of dry skin. When cared for and well exercised, these pups have been known to live to around fifteen years of age or more. Known for their playful and active nature, there are some characteristics that one should be aware of before making a choice.

These pups have an incredible desire for love and affection, almost like an obsession. They are usually happy, longing to be around humans, playing and cuddling, getting lots of snuggles, praises and petting. The problem is that if they become so dependent on that attention that if it is denied to them for long periods of time, they may resort to chewing and barking.

Social interaction, both with humans and other dogs, is important to start quite young so that they can develop confidence and hone their naturally extroverted temperament that makes them good with people of all ages. Most of them love to learn new tricks and are great with obedience and agility training, especially when food is used as a reward. Owners will need patience because the pups do tend to have difficulty when it comes to house breaking.

Even though these dogs are not at all aggressive, they consider themselves excellent watchdogs and like to announce the arrival of anyone and everyone who approaches their home. Barking is one thing that owners will need to be willing to regularly tolerate or curtail. Their sweet, lovable nature is the foremost thing most people notice when checking out Havanese puppies for sale, as that is their most dominant trait.

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