Friday, November 15, 2013

Hog Waste Problems & Solutions

By Lianne Derocco

The mass production of agricultural animals such as hogs is a highly profitable business model but the clean-up it requires and the potential health and environmental risks associated with it are very serious matters. This is particularly true when your collected animal waste is not well managed. The following information details the many problems arising from poorly handled hog waste lagoons or waste pits, their primary causes and how to resolve them.

It is important to understand that animal wastes such as pig manure needs to be treated so that they remain in liquid state. Take note, that when pig manure is not treated as prescribed, sludge will start to build up at the bottom of your waste collection facility. This kind of pollutant can pose as health risk to other animals in your farm and even to other people who comes in and out of the farm. Another kind of pollutant that will take form on waste pits is crusts. These crusts can be a breeding ground for flies that will in-fest your farm later on spreading diseases at the same time release really bad smell.

Another area of concern you should be wary of is the formation of foams. The issue of foaming is a very serious matter you should deal with as soon as possible. They can be seen as froth or bubbles that in reality are actually caused by the rising of methane gas from the bottom of the pig waste pit. Aside from being a toxic gas, methane gas can explode any time endangering the lives of both humans and animals nearby. Therefore, the management of animal waste should not be taken with a grain of salt.

Many scientists declare that changing the elements found on animal food can assist in preventing the issues mentioned earlier. Sludge formation and crusting in particular are results of specific elements found on animal feeds that are not easily digested. There are also cases when these elements are not capable of being broken down at all. This concept can be attributed as the main reason why waste pits gets contaminated. For this reason, removing these substances from your pigs' diet can greatly impact in keeping animal waste in liquid state.

Even if you own a small farm, the issue of hog waste management still applies and is not only for large commercial farms. The good news is that there are now technologies that can help in the prevention and resolution of these issues. One product you can use that contains no chemicals is Agra Sphere or, for waste lagoons, Lagoon Agra Sphere. These waste treatment products contain helpful bacteria that will decompose any solid matter on your waste pits and keep them liquefied.

The technology behind Agra Sphere uses naturally occurring bacterium to decompose sludge and crusts. Agra Sphere is very easy to use and requires no mixing. Since they are bio-degradable, you simply toss the spheres into your hog waste facility and let it sink. It will immediately start to work and when used on a regular basis, it can do a long way in preventing the build-up of sludge, crusting as well as foaming. Consequently, bad odors will be eliminated and the number of flies greatly reduced.

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