Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Important Facts On Canine Congestive Heart Failure

By Geraldine Dimarco

Canine congestive heart failure - big words that scare most pet owners out of their play time with Fido. What does it mean exactly? Congestive heart failure is the outcome of the dog's heart's inability to function as it should. This is typically the result of irregularities in certain areas of the heart structure which causes the other parts to work even harder to compensate for decreased blood output. Eventually, the result is canine heart failure.

You will also notice that dogs suffering this condition have their abdominal area looking bloated because of fluid accumulation in the abdominal cavity. What happens is that because of the heart's inability to pump blood effectively, blood pressure builds and the blood vessels begin to leak, causing congestion in the tissues and other vital organs. These symptoms gradually worsen as the condition is left unchecked.

Dog heart problems are often the product of heredity, birth deficiencies and infections like heartworms. It can also be aggravated by obesity, age, lack of exercise, poor nutrition and unsanitary living arrangements.

Canine congestive heart disorders are a concern for many pet owners. There are medications and procedures that are available that help the heart pump blood more effectively. However, it would be good to learn more about natural healing for a dog with congestive heart failure as a better alternative to treat your pet.

Herbal and homeopathic remedies are safe to help cure canine heart conditions. Crateagus oxycantha or Hawthorne is a cardio tonic herb that contains anti oxidant properties that encourage arterial strength. Homeopathic ingredients like Arnica montana, Kalium phosphate, and Calcium fluoride are also known to support healthy blood pressure for the canine.

An important part of natural healing for dog with congestive heart failure is to have a nutritional diet. A low sodium and high mineral diet will do wonders for the health of your pet. Calcium, Vitamin E, Taurine, L-carnitine and Omega-3 fatty acid are some nutrients that promote good heart function. As much as you are able, avoid commercial feeds and serve instead fresh and healthy food. Add chopped pieces of yams, squash, beets, broccoli, carrots and cucumber to his meals.

You can also improve your pet's heart by engaging him in regular physical activities. It's the easiest thing to walk him around the block a few minutes a day or have a weekly playtime in the park. You are helping maintain his cardiovascular and circulatory system as you do so. As you do, keep in mind that balance is necessary - do not overwork and tire your dog excessively.

Canine congestive heart failure, especially when in its progressive stages, is rarely curable. However, early detection and taking the necessary treatment for it may greatly improve the quality of life of your dog. Some symptoms include coughing, difficulty in breathing, lethargy, loss of appetite, fainting and grayish gums.

It is always better to use natural remedies first before subjecting your dog to medications that have chemicals that may complicate their health problems, if they have any. A simple ultrasound or x-ray will verify if they do have a heart condition that needs to be addressed as soon as possible.

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