Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Learn How To Get Rid Of Fleas In Carpet

By Katrina Wheeler

When you own pets that are allowed to go outside then you are going to have fleas or even hundreds of fleas. You do not have to worry though because you can learn how to get rid of fleas in carpet. When your pets go outside they are going to be bringing in fleas and those things are going to make themselves at home in your furniture and your carpet.

Carpets are the most difficult place to get rid of them because it is harder to clean than other things. They love carpets because they can lay eggs and get comfortable living there. The eggs are quite sticky and almost impossible to remove from the carpet.

You can start trying to get them out by using hot soapy water. If your carpet is small enough to put into a washing machine then try that. The soap in the washing machine will most likely kill the them. If you are not sure they are dead then run it through twice. That should surely kill them. Be sure to use hot water when you are washing your carpets.

Some carpets are too large to put in a washing machine, so you will need to use a high suction power vacuum. You will want to throw out the stuff you have vacuumed up once you are done. It may even be a good idea to wrap the content in a bag maybe even two bags just to be sure they are dead.

A great idea would be to hire a professional to come in to clean the floors. Steam will kill off any flea quickly as well as the eggs. However, some people just can't afford to hire someone to professionally come in and deal with their flea problem. Insecticidal soap can be used, all you have to do is wash your rugs and carpet with it and the product does the rest.

After you have killed all the pest you should take your dog or cat to the vet and get them on flea prevention. These pills are usually not very expensive and can last up to three months. You should vacuum your floors often so that you do not get over run in your home again.

If you use pet control from your vet and you vacuum your floors on a regular basis then you should not have any flea problems. When vacuuming make sure that you vacuum under furniture and in the place that your pet lays the most. You could use over the counter flea killer but they can contain harmful chemicals that can hurt children.

You don't have to get rid of your beloved pet to get rid of the pest they bring in. You just need to use the vacuum often, give your dog or cat flea preventative medication and use chemicals that will kill a flea on contact. You just want to only use that when you see a flea, you don't want it all over your house. We all love our pets and we all hate dealing with the pest that come along with them so we do not want them on our pets or in our homes. So learning how to get rid of fleas in carpet and other items in the home will solve your problem.

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