Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Mechanisms To Stop Aggressive Dog Behavior

By Katrina Wheeler

Occurrence of aggression in domestic animals is not a new thing. It happens a lot of times and most owners seem to condone it other than finding the best solution to the issue. Aggression in dogs specifically can occur in form of fear, possessiveness and dominance. There are several ways which can be used to stop aggressive dog behavior by an owner within the household.

If the owner has always been harsh to the animal, it will be aggressive either in defense or fear. As of such, those people who pass by or enter the homestead can be attacked. Being friendly is the main solution of eradicating such behavior. Here, the owner has to show a lot of affection to this animal and it will always respond since the perception it has are very high.

Less food provisions are another cause of this uncanny conduct. Since food is vital for survival, retaliation will be in rejection of such mistreatment. It is always a good idea for this owner to provide sufficient rations of meals on a regular basis. Leaving it hungry for a number of days does not help the situation but only tends to worsen it at that particular moment.

Letting the animal to carry out training within the compound or the designated training centers helps to solve the problem at hand. Lack of fitness even makes it slow to react to any situation that needs an alert. With training kits and an expert, teachings can be passed on to the animal with the aim of improving skill of listening and reacting.

Untidiness of the body and place of stay causes a lot of infections and invasion of parasites to the beast. An infected animal will tend to be uncomfortable in the surrounding area. This leads to a lot of scratching. The show of unwanted conduct will be to protest such conditions. Here, the owner needs to clean the place and have a vet to check on the beast in order to offer treatment.

A time, it is always better to take the animal for a walk or a run around the compound. If this area is less, outside within the neighborhood is a good solution. Apart from familiarizing with this area, it helps to increase its fitness levels and keep it healthy. It is a good show and change of environment where it is always restricted.

Neglect concerning these manners always makes the situation worse. Some people tend to do that hoping that the beast will stop with time. This is not a good cause of action. The more time one neglects it, the more violent it becomes. Early determination of the cause and correction where possible is the right way to go about it.

When all these mechanisms have been implemented on ways to stop aggressive dog behavior, the two can have a peaceful co-existence between them. Where such peace exists, it will perform the tasks assigned to it of protecting the household properly. The essence of always being harsh in response to the uncanny behaviors does not make it stop but motivate the beast to continue in those ways.

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