Friday, November 15, 2013

Some Important Guidelines For Those Wishing To Explore The Fascinating Subject Of Pet Reincarnation

By Bonnie Contreras

Many pet owners develop a deep and enduring bond with their animals. The downside is of course the profound sense of loss they experience when their pet passes on. Many more spiritually-minded owners however have a firm belief in pet reincarnation. They have a strong conviction that their beloved companion will return to them in one form or other.

Those who hold this belief maintain that their pet can return in a number of different ways, dependent upon the path they have chosen to continue learning on the physical plane. They may return as another types of animal, the same type of animal, or indeed as a human being. Many may scoff at the idea, but this is a deeply held conviction for many people.

Some animal owners have had the experience of meeting a person or animal and feeling the kind of strong, familiar connection they had with their lost pet. Many report quite startling similarities in personality, habits and temperament. These similarities can be so remarkable that they see reincarnation as the only plausible explanation.

As this subject has become more popular, more bereaved pet owners now hope to see their lost companions once again. They are aware that the new people and animals they meet may in fact be their lost pet returning to them. Maintaining this attitude is certainly helpful, but those who believe must be aware that this is a process that cannot be hurried.

Psychics who commune with diseased animals tell of the relationship between pet and owner as being a sacred agreement. The decision to work together on the physical plane is made at the spiritual level of existence. It is undertaken as a vehicle for spiritual development and cannot be forced. This decision is made regardless of what both parties may believe at a conscious, rational level.

A great deal of thought is given to how the relationship will play out in the physical realm. Before incarnation, the spirits concerned will have guides and teachers to help them make the most of their forthcoming lives. Psychics report that animals are in fact receptive to suggestions from their former owners as to how they will reincarnate. Pet owners can indeed make requests that their pets return in a particular form if they have the spiritual awareness to do so.

Psychics also advise that pet owners have faith in how the reincarnation plays out. This process is undertaken for the highest good of everyone concerned. If it is to be, it will happen and the reunification of pet and owner will take place when the conditions are right.

Most of all, pet owners are encouraged to set a firm intention to be reunited with their animal. They are further encouraged to trust the pet reincarnation process and be alert to any signs that their beloved friend may be making their presence felt. At the same time, they must not in any way try to force things. An attitude of openness and positive expectation is most conducive to this beautiful and mysterious process.

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