Sunday, September 28, 2014

How Good Dog Grooming Annapolis Area Enhances Pet Health

By Karina Frost

It is easy to identify from far a dog or cat that is receiving good care from her owner. A healthy pet does not only lighten up moods of people when she walks around the home but also shows to guests how welcome the family is. Such a treasure does not however come that easily. Apart from balanced feeding, masters need to exercise healthy dog grooming Annapolis Edgewater, MD area. Once in a while scratching in pets is normal just like the humans do.

However, continuous itching may be a sign of parasite infestation even if they are not yet visible. Such animals will also find it hard to stick to a resting place and will be moving from one point to another. Without appropriate intervention, the pet will suffer from fatigue due use of a lot of energy in scratching. Just like humans, animals also value socialization.

Because socialization is necessary, failure to take your animals for a walk borders on cruelty. On the other hand, it is almost impossible to prevent pests from sticking on your animals when outside the yard or whenever they interact with other animals. Professionals advise that after such activities, pets should be cleaned first before they are allowed to get into the house.

It is much easier this way than when the parasites find their way into seats and carpets. Constantly checking your animals is also a way of detecting diseases early and therefore treating them on time. An unusually dull coat may indicate either malnutrition or other internal infections. Scratches or inflammation on the skin can also be early signs of demodicosis, which can cause serious suffering if not managed on time.

Other symptoms include redness, scaly appearance, and hair loss. Early disease control helps in increasing life span and saves you from extra vet costs. Due caution however should be observed when picking grooming equipment. Not all animals are fit to be combed using the same type of equipment. Wire pin brushes for example are not suitable for dogs with long hair.

Combing should also be done gently or else it may pull out healthy hair and cause pain or open the skin to infections. It is good to ask a professional to show you how to go about this. You should also be aware that dog skins are pretty sensitive and therefore not all chemical cleansers are good for them. When you notice the pet itchy or uncomfortable after bath with a particular shampoo, discontinue its use.

On such matters, it is wise to seek counsel of grooming experts who have adequate knowledge and experience. You should also take care not to let their nails over grow. Cats tend to develop sharp nails which might unintentionally destroy linen or inflict pain on children. Filing them lightly will minimise such instance. Dogs also need monthly cuts to avoid overgrowth, which might cause walking difficulties.

You may also make use of your grooming service provider whenever you wish for fur or nail paintings on your companion. They also offer a variety of other services and products all of which are meant to make your animals happy. Pets derive joy when they stand out above others. You can definitely offer yours the best.

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