Thursday, September 8, 2016

Some Info Before Buying American Bulldogs For Sale Oklahoma

By James Hamilton

Plenty of people the world over have gotten pets as companions, and you yourself are thinking of getting one. You may be deciding on a dog right now after you saw a sign stating American bulldogs for sale Oklahoma. So if you are in Nowata, OK right now, then do read on in this article to find out more about this breed before committing to a purchase.

The breed is very well built and stocky, and possesses a large head which lends to its strong looking appearance. Compared to the English bulldog it is much larger and has longer legs. New World settlers needing assistance in ranching and farming tasks, like getting rid of pests and feral pigs, bred this dog.

In general, despite the many historical genetic variations of this breed, two very distinct varieties exist. The first is called the Bully type which is characterized by a larger and heavier body with a shorter muzzle. The second is the Standard or Performance type, which has a more squared head, a longer muzzle and more athletic bearing. A third type is also coming into existence, which is called the hybrid, a mixture of the first two varieties.

As this is a working dog or rather a working mastiff, it will take a lot of training and socialization before it can start being good around people, or even children. This socialization should begin at an early age as possible. The bulldog also has a very emotional personality and one that demands a lot of attention.

Indoor living is something that this breed can get used to, but not as used to it as its English or French cousins. It will require daily walks and if possible, you should have a small yard to let it run around and stretch its legs now and again. Remember that this was a dog formally bred for farm work.

When you do decide to get the bully type of this breed, be prepared for a lot of drool or slobber so it might be best to keep them outside a majority of the time. In general however, this breed sheds fairly moderately as it has a short and smooth coat.

This breed will live around ten to sixteen years on average. They tend to live very active and healthy lives but are most prone to hip dysplasia, cherry eye and bone cancer. They are also prone to allergies so it is best to keep in touch with your pediatrician regarding upkeep and maintenance.

This article has thus covered the necessary basic baseline information you need to start your decision on whether to acquire this breed or not for your companionship needs. Feel free to add to this list so you can acquire more information for an informed decision. Always keep all bases covered in your info gathering.

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