Friday, September 29, 2017

The Threat Gypsy Moths Pose To Your Trees: Get Professional Pest Control Framingham MA

By Elinor Hain

Some of your more ordinary moths are a common pest that poses no particular threat. Then there are gypsy moths which are highly destructive and can cause irreparable damage to your trees and foliage in and around your yard. But just what is a gypsy moth? This kind of moth eats foliage and can be highly destructive killing a wide range of foliage in its path. You should seek professional pest control Framingham MA if you suspect you have this problem.

The Gypsy moth is not common to North American and actually entered the country through a port in Boston from Europe. It can cause severe damage to forests during a single season and can cause harm to the natural balance of a forest that they choose to call home.

So what, right? Bugs eat leaves all the time. The real issue with this species of moth is that it eats a huge range of different foliage. This moth does not stick to one particular kind of foliage and can eat just about anything. This makes it very dangerous for those homeowners that have a huge range of plants around their home. They typically prefer oaks and aspen trees but they can eat virtually anything.

The moth is centered in the Ozark and southern Appalachian mountains and also dwells in parts of the northern lake states. If you find this pest infestation in your area call a professional pest control service immediately to eliminate this problem before your foliage is damaged beyond repair.

This is not the type of pest that you can take care of on your own. You should call a professional service as the larvae can survive when you think that you have taken care of all of them.

If you have an infestation of gypsy moth in your area, contact a professional who can help you eliminate them safely and effectively. This can help to maintain the health and safety of your trees. Using a professional pest control service is the quickest way to eliminate the gypsy moth and other types of pests.

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