Saturday, September 23, 2017

Tips For Choosing Just The Right Dog Boarding Longmont CO Kennel

By Donald Hughes

For many, pets are beloved family members. If you have a special dog or cat in your household, you know how important it is for that animal to be kept safe and cared for. When you are going out of town on vacation or for business, and have to leave your pet behind, choosing just the right boarding environment will be critical to your peace of mind. There are some simple questions you should ask before you turn your pet over to the dog boarding Longmont CO kennels offer.

If this is the first time you have boarded your animal, you can always ask your vet for kennel recommendations. In some cases, veterinary clinics also board animals. This could be a great option because they already have your dog's records and know something about your animal. If your vet doesn't have facilities, you can turn to family and friends for recommendations. Animal lovers who walk their dogs in the same dog park as yourself could have good suggestions.

Touring the facilities you are considering is a great idea. If the employees are not enthusiastic about showing you around, you might need to mark that particular kennel off your list. The kennel area should be clean and fresh smelling. If the odor, in the area where the animals are housed, is unpleasant, that is an indication that the kennel owners are not committed to the health and well being of their animal clients.

You need to ask about the staff that handles the animals and find out what their credentials are. Employee qualification requirements will vary from kennel to kennel, but all staff members should be familiar with the pets in their care. They should answer your questions carefully, and treat you and your pet like valued clients.

Some breeds of dogs are more active than others and require walking and places to exercise and burn off excess energy. If the kennel only gives their animals minimal exercise opportunities, it might not be the right place for your pet. Some facilities offer extra services for an additional fee. It is usually a good idea for animals to be separated from one another unless they are social and comfortable with company.

One important thing you want to inspect on your kennel tour is the fencing. There should not be any jagged edges, holes, or bent wires anywhere. If the fences are in poor condition, the rest of the facility will probably be in the same shape. Most experts suggest removing collars from boarded animals because of the risk of strangulation.

If you have an animal with special needs or one that is antisocial, you might consider using a pet sitter instead of boarding it at a kennel. Some dogs just don't like kennels or strange animals and get stressed when they are exposed to either. Becoming overly aggressive and acting out can become an issue in this case.

Your pet is precious to you. When you have to be away from home, you want to feel certain it has everything it needs to be happy, safe, and secure. Choosing the right kennel will make the separation much easier for both of you.

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