Monday, October 16, 2017

About Chocolate Lab Puppies Fresno

By Scott Hamilton

Beautiful Labradors are the most popular dogs in America today. Considering the fact these dogs really excel in all disciplines, and they are also incredibly nice and polite, attractive and friendly, you just cannot make a mistake by choosing Lab for your family dog. Several chocolate Lab puppies Fresno breeders are providing incredibly charming and lovely little Labradors, and you just have to find one for yourself.

Labs come in three basic colors, chocolate, black and yellow. Although some breeders might offer less common colors, for example white or reddish, these are really just different variations of yellow coats. In any case, all these colors are highly popular, and your choice will depend on your personal taste only. Chocolate labs are especially popular lately, thanks to their beauty and character.

Labradors are beautiful, large dogs, males can be up to 24,5 inches in height, while the females are slightly smaller. Male dog can weigh up to 80 pounds. One thing is characteristic of all labs, they just love to eat. That's why they can easily become obese, if overfed. Depending on their size and activity, one adult dog should get up to three cups of food a day, divided into two meals.

When it comes to food, Labradors will eat just about anything, if they get the opportunity, including rubber toys. It's important to provide some good quality dog food for them. By the way, it is possible to find a dog food designed especially for labs. In any case, don't feed your dog with sweets, human food or something similar to this.

When it comes to their health, there are a few diseases to be aware of, but these dogs are quite healthy, compared to other breeds. They might have sensitive skin prone to allergies, and they also might have skin and ear infections. Hip dysplasia is heritable condition, just as is elbow dysplasia, and you should ask your breeder to provide evidences of your doggy's parents' health condition.

When it comes to their intelligence, there is no question about it. Labs are extremely clever, able to learn just about anything. That's why they excel in numerous disciplines, including obedience and agility. Even so, their best characteristics are their friendly nature, good manners and attractive appearance, and all those things make them just perfect family dogs.

All dogs need exercise on daily basis, and Labs are no different. They need at least 30 minutes of regular exercise every day, but more would be quite nice. In fact, every dog would appreciate the opportunity to jump around now and then. If you live in an apartment, try to take your dog for a walk at least once a day. A house with a backyard is certainly much better solution.

Their short coats are really easy to maintain. One good brush a day will be perfectly enough, and one good bath once in every two months will make sure your dog smells nice. Of course, if he manages to find a mud pit somewhere, you can give him a good bath after that. He will also enjoy swimming, and it is important to rinse the coat after that.

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