Monday, October 9, 2017

Can Electromagnetic Treatment For Cats Help Against High-Rise Syndrome?

By Robin Setser

It's natural for cats to be drawn to high places, ranging from windowsills to even tree branches. However, if these heights prove to be too great, it can result in physical injuries. This brings us to the topic of high-rise syndrome, which a number of felines suffer from. What is it all about, though, and can PEMF therapy for cats play a role in it? Hopefully the following information will be able to shed some much needed light on the matter.

One of the common questions asked, when it comes to high-rise syndrome, is why it occurs in the first place. After all, if cats are known for being so graceful, they should be able to land on their feet without any problems. What many people don't consider is that some heights are simply too much for them. While a particular animal might be able to jump from a desk onto the floor without any problems, performing the same leap from a high shelf is another story.

High-rise syndrome can also be a direct result of a cat's attention being drawn away. This can happen if the animal in question begins to feel drowsy or is actively involved in playtime. Situations such as these can draw an animal's attention away from their surroundings, even if they involve high platforms. Injuries can arise as a result of this, so it's important to understand how this particular syndrome's risk can be reduced.

High-rise syndrome results in physical injury, which comes with pain. With this in mind, you may want to bring up the topic of noninvasive PEMF treatment for cats to your vet, seeing as how this will reduce discomfort in certain body parts. Preventive measures are recommended most, though, as they will reduce the onset of said syndrome. Keeping your cat indoors, for example, will go a long way in improving their quality of life.

Cats and tall places go together like dogs and parks, but this type of bond isn't without its level of risk. As a matter of fact, it's important to recognize the ways in which high-rise syndrome can be prevented. The tips discussed earlier are just a few, but pet owners would be wise to seek out more information, especially from veterinarians. When it comes to wellbeing of pets, there's no such thing as being too knowledgeable.

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