Sunday, October 8, 2017

The Human Connection And Animal Reiki Healing Circles

By Lisa Howard

Whether working alone or in circles, there are a number of holistic healing options such as ecstatic dance, meditation and yoga to name a few. One fairly new area of holistic healing is that of Animal Reiki healing circles. For some, this means working together with a beloved pet or other animal. In other cases, it can refer to those who work with visual imagery such as animal spirit guides and symbols.

As pet owners are generally compassionate human beings, the process allows for a better connection between animal and human in a number of areas. For, dogs and other pets who are loved unconditionally are generally the most responsive to an owner's request. In some cases, dogs and owners might attend a meditation class or retreat in order to better understand overall communication.

Once an individual has discovered a spirit totem, it is believed the animal can assist in healing body, mind and soul through meditation, Reiki and other practices. For, the animal is a symbol of strength and stability. So, while some may relate to a hawk and the spirit of flight, others may relate to bears and the spirit of strength.

In general, it is the practice and principles that are most important when it comes to successful healing. Whether client or practitioner, those whom practice on an ongoing basis are going to see the best results. For, since the practice is involved in clearing negative energy and replenishing the body, mind and soul with positive energy, it is important to do so on a regular basis.

As Reiki focuses on assisting individuals in remembering the inner wisdom of the universe, the more one practices, generally the deeper the healing and relationship with others. In addition, as practice works to heal the inner essence of all beings, results are often nothing less than magical. While this is the case, once the inner essence or spirit is cleansed, it is then far easier to eliminate illness from the body.

In some cases, it is believed that individuals can use different spirit totems for different issues. While this is the case, this belief is often rare and remains outside the traditional use of spirit totems in the Native American heritage. Rather, it is somewhat of a blend of ancient and new age spirituality.

Whatever the case, when healing is complete, most report an overall sense of calm, contentment and happiness. When working with an animal, there is often a stronger sense of connection between the species. Whereas, when working with a spirit guide, the individual often comes to have a greater understanding about the meaning behind the totem.

Ultimately, most practitioners will want to continue the practice on a regular or semi-regular basis. For, life can often present ongoing challenges whether related to body, mind, soul, career, friendships, relationships or other areas of concern. As such, ongoing practice is a constant in working to heal physical and emotional conditions on an ongoing basis rather than allowing the issues to fester and grow over time.

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