Tuesday, May 8, 2018

How To Strengthen Bones In Cats, Including PEMF Treatment

By Robin Setser

Osteopetrosis, for those not in the know, is a medical condition illustrated by the development of brittle bones. What this means is that certain animals, cats included, will suffer from discomfort and may even be at risk of suffering breaks or fractures. This is just one of the reasons why methods to strengthen bones in cats should be discussed. Here are some of the ways that it can be done, along with electromagnetic therapy for cats.

Starting with electromagnetic, or PEMF, treatment, this is most of the most multifaceted medical practices in veterinary care. While it's been known to heal and even strengthen bones, reducing degeneration over time, it can also provide pain relief. What this means is that cats suffering from discomfort will feel relaxation in no time. These are just a few benefits that companies like Assisi Animal Health can tell you about.

Your cat's diet should be noted, too, as this can play a major role in how their bones develop and stay strong. If your pet isn't eating well, or perhaps consuming less than they should on a daily basis, you'll have to bring them to the vet. The specialist in question will provide a plan that will help your cat eat better, thereby obtaining the nutrients that they need. Calcium and vitamin C are just a few examples, but they go a long way in keeping bones strong.

Next, you should exercise your cat on a regular basis so that the strength in their bones can be maintained. You won't have to do much to make this happen, either, as regular playtime will do just fine. By playing with your cat, you will provide them with a means of exercise that will keep them healthy. It also doesn't hurt that it will help you create a bond with your pet, meaning that they'll be less likely to act distant around you.

Certain injuries cannot be avoided, though, which is why it's important to know what to do in the face of a bone fracture or breakage. In many situations, the injured animal will have to wear a splint, which stabilizes the impacted area of the body so that it can heal. Other situations may require surgery, though this will be dependent on the severity of the injury. To know what your pet will require, see your vet as soon as possible.

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