Thursday, April 4, 2019

Favorable Qualities Found In A Leading Yorkie Breeder

By Larry Cooper

Yorkshire Terriers are among the more popular small breed dogs. Individuals wishing to purchase these purebred puppies should be prepared to spend upwards of $500 easily. For that kind of price, one needs to make sure their choice of Yorkie breeder has all the qualifications to produce top of the line pups.

The primary thing to keep in mind is that there are certainly different levels of breeders. There are those who only care about producing litters as fast as possible to make the most money, and those who genuinely care about the dogs they breed and their puppies. For multiple reasons, buyers need to research providers and only do business with respectable facilities.

Puppy farming is the practice of over-breeding females to produce a steady flow of litters to make the most profit. No regard is given to the dogs' ages or health and quite often they are even inbred, which leads to unhealthy puppies of substandard quality. This is not only immoral and detrimental to the animals, but buyers are being cheated as well.

When one begins their search for the right breeding facility, the most reliable resource is other individuals who have previously purchased Yorkshire Terriers. These pet owners will have a first hand accounting of which breeders provided fantastic services and which ones should be avoided. It may also make it possible to see an example of pups produced at those locations for an opportunity to check quality based on breed standards.

After gathering a list of various facilities to consider, one must then go about trying to verify their credentials. The most effective way of doing so is physically visiting the location to view the housing conditions of the animals and the manner in which they are treated. When it is not possible to do an actual visit, a quality video tour may be adequate enough to get a good idea of just how things are run.

For the consultations, buyers need to prepare a list of questions to present to the breeders. Topics to be included are how much experience they have breeding Yorkshire Terriers, how often does a female get bred, the number of litters they produce annually on average, and will they be supplying proof of bloodline. Buyers should be impressed with suppliers who also conduct an interview because it means they are concerned enough to ensure that their puppies are going to owners that will provide them with proper love and care.

An additional verification step is to check with the local Better Business Bureau of each of the breeders, as well as breed forums and chat rooms for Yorkshire Terrier owners, to inquire whether there have been any major complaints against them. Those who have many negative reviews might be best avoided, however if it is only a single complaint, that might be an isolated incident. Buyers need to take each case on its own merits and review it carefully to make a fair and unbiased judgment.

The purchase of a purebred dog is a big investment that one should not undertake lightly. Just as it is important to find a quality breeding facility, it is equally imperative to understand that this commitment is for the entire life of the animal. Doing a little preparation before purchase can help smooth the transition into ownership.

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