Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Finding The Right Litter Box For Your Cat

By Ruth Young

Cats are loving and fiercely independent creatures and it is no wonder that they are a firm favorite in households across the world. Dealing with their toilet, however, is no one's favorite, so it important to find a way to make this aspect of being a pet owner the least unpleasant you can, by finding the perfect litter box.

The most simple option available to you is one that can be found just about anywhere, and you may have even been given one free when you first got your cat. The simple box with no frills or lids or doors. You fill it with a litter of your choice and that's that. The benefit of this type is that is is clear when you need to empty or clean it, so you are less likely to forget.

Once they are a little older and bigger and know what they are doing, you can then try a deeper one. This usually means there will be less mess as they can't kick all the litter out when they are covering up their business. It also means if you want to you can put more litter inside. This is ideal for cats that like to dig quite deep before going to the toilet.

A hooded box makes the whole toilet much more private. This is what some cats prefer, so that they can do their business without anyone watching. It is also much nicer for the humans in the house as it means they don't have to look at the litter tray and it reduces the smell a little as it is enclosed. It is important that it is more than big enough for the cat.

The self-cleaning is not a new concept, but it is improving with each year that passes. Marketed at those who prefer not to deal with their cat's toilet too regularly, it gives you the option of emptying it less regularly. However, none of them are truly self-cleaning, so you will still have to get involved with emptying them regularly.

If you are unsure how many boxes you should have in your house, it really depends on the individual needs of the cat. Some are very fussy and won't share their toilet with another cat. However, others are more than happy to have one toilet among 2 or 3 cats. The important thing is to keep an eye on their habits and make sure they aren't going anywhere other than their toilet.

For the lucky few, having no box is actually an option. Some cats learn to go outside very quickly and some others need to be trained. Of course there are some special cats who can be trained to use a human toilet, but this is very rare. Do what is right for you and your pet and as long as they are happy and healthy, it doesn't matter which option they go for.

At first the smell and task of dealing with your cat's toilet can be shocking and unpleasant, but after a while you will get used to it and you won't think twice about emptying it as part of your regular routine. It is important to keep it fresh and keep an eye on their habits, as avoidance of the toilet can lead to serious health issues.

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