Saturday, April 6, 2019

How To Breed French Bulldogs The Right Way

By Nancy Stone

The French bulldog is a small breed of dogs that are already being domesticated. The price of these is not cheap and very expensive. This is because their breeding process is not easy. Only a few species can mate normally due to the fact their hips are narrow which makes the mounting males very difficult to do. That is why to breed it. It will require science and artificial insemination. The procedure is very time consuming and very costly for both the breeder and the buyer. When it comes to French bulldog puppy breeders Missouri, individuals can do the breeding by themselves if they simply follow the right process of mating and taking care of them.

Take the female to the veterinarian for their annual pre natal care before giving birth. The vet will conduct a series of test such as radiograph and ultrasound o see the inside of the female and to check how many puppies are inside. They will check for any possible problems that might happen and give advice on how to properly birth the puppies.

When the puppies do not want to suck their moms nipples and drink milk, they are in danger of getting hungry. Look closely if they are yelping most of the time. If nothing goes according to plan, get a hold of a puppy and let them drink through a bottle. You can feed them with high quality milk that is effective for newborns.

Check out the puppies if they urinate and defecate. This species does not how to poop and pee after being born. They only learn new skills when their mother licked them. This particular motion encourages them to do it. When the mother does not lick, it would be your job to do it. Simply dab the cotton ball into warm water and just rub it across the genitals of the puppy.

If the mother does not know what to do, then it will be the time to take some action. When the pups get out tear open the sac so they can breathe. Cut the umbilical cord then by suing a thread, tie it off. If there are nay fluid around the pups nose and mouth, clear it away. Rub them vigorously to aid their stimulation in circulation and breathing.

If one of them show some kind of aggression towards the other, it would be better to put on leashes on both of them during mating. In this way, you can easily pull them out and control their action and fights before it will even began. The mating session will at least lasts up to twenty minutes. So be sure to check them both once it would be over.

Make a box where the mother and her pups can rest. This will be their space and seclusion. They will make this recovery from having delivered and the place to take care of them.

The containers must be big enough for the pups and their mother to relax. They should be able to lie down easily and comfortably will big walls to keep the pups from getting out. Put a lamp near them to keep them warm.

It is significant that every individual will conduct some research before doing anything. It is wise to know all the detail that is involved when breeding with dogs and other animals. Make sure that you understand completely all the guidelines and regulations and how to take good care of your dogs.

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