Monday, April 22, 2019

To Find Ragdoll Kittens Alabama Is The Best Location To Check Out

By Brenda Hamilton

Ragdoll is a big breed of cat that has blue eyes and a fluffy coat. They are generally very quiet animals and are a great source of company to their owners. They are a very popular breed because people like their physical appearance and temperament. In the US, they are a loved pet and many people that have cat pets prefer the ragdoll. When in need of Ragdoll kittens Alabama should be visited.

The breed is among those known to be the largest cat species in the world. Male cats weigh about 15 to 20 pounds whereas the females weigh between 10 to 15 pounds which is lighter than their male counterparts. Other large species of cats are the Maine Coon and Norwenian Forest cat. Their nature of having fluffy coats makes them to appear larger. They are among the most popular breeds with CFA.

Although ragdolls are very popular, their origin is quite recent. They only started existing in the 1960s after being developed by a breeder called Ann Baker in California. They were invented as a result of continuous breeding of various felines with the desired traits. Some of the cats that were used in the breeding process are Burmese, Birman, Siamese, and Persian cats.

A unique characteristic of these cats is their big and blue genetic eyes. Their coats, which are color pointed exist in a variety of color shades. The common colors include seal, blue and red. Some typically combine two or three colors. Recently born kittens are normally pale as their color manifests itself as they age.

This breed is suited for indoors. This implies that they are not to be left alone outside. The reason is that the cats trust easily and do not have necessary outdoor skills. For these reasons, unrestricted movements make them exposed to risks such as theft, poisoning, accidents, and attacks by predators. Roaming also exposes them to the possibility of acquiring diseases such as feline immunodeficiency virus and feline infectious leukimia.

FIV is a very dangerous disease and behaves in the same way that HIV behaves in human beings. FeLV is the abbreviation for feline infectious leukaemia and can also cause death in cats easily. Ragdolls are usually happy indoors and will live their entire lives indoors without any problem. However, in case one decides to let them have outdoor access, it is advisable to provide supervision.

Ragdolls usually shed their fur like many other cat species. As such, it is important to provide regular grooming to keep them looking good. The kind of coat in a ragdoll usually varies. Some have coats that are prone to matting while others have coats that are silky and do not matt easily. Grooming should be done two or three times in a week.

Moulting occurs throughout the year in ragdolls. Surfaces like bedding, clothes, carpets and furniture tend to attract fur from the breed. Hence one has to regularly vacuum the house. It is a common belief that Ragdolls feel no pain. There is no truth to the statement and should therefore not be believed. Due to the presence of nerves in its body, the cat feels pain like any other animal.

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