Tuesday, December 13, 2011

How To Stop The Flea Cycle On Your Pets

As a pet owner, I thought I knew pretty much
everything when it came to cats and dogs.Having
flea problems in the summer was something I was
used to dealing with. Preventative flea
treatment in the spring and extra grooming in
the summer months helped to keep the little
mites off my precious pets.

First of all you need to get down and dirty with
the hoover. Carpet and floorboards are the
perfect place for the eggs and larvae to hide as
they can easily survive in the cracks and
crevices. Then, when you or your pet walks by,
they latch themselves on. Have you ever noticed
when you have a flea problem, that you have bite
marks around your ankles more than anywhere else.
That's because of the flea problem in your floor
gaps and cracks. Fleas will bite you once and
then fall off as they can't survive human blood,
but will happily live off your pet forever.

Those little hideaway places your pet likes to
go to, under the bed, a cosy corner, in a secret
cupboard are all perfect breeding places for
fleas. Not only do you have to hoover and spray
the floor in your home you also have to hoover
and treat your mattress and bedding. Fleas are
known to come to the surface when they feel the
vibrations from a vacuum cleaner, then straight
after, you spray them with the household flea
treatment. Keep your pets out of the rooms that
you are spraying and close the door for as long
as you can. House flea spray is not to be used
anywhere near an animal, spot on treatments for
them will do the trick. Vacuuming will also
collect the eggs, so you'll be beginning to
break the cycle. Whether you allow your pet on
your bed or not, it is strongly advised to spray
both sides of the mattress straight after it has
been hovered. Throw out all of your pets toys,
bedding and play stands. Harsh, I know but
they'll soon be just as attached to the new toys
as they were to the old flea ridden ones. Make no
mistake, fleas and flea eggs are made of strong
stuff. They will survive and survive, so be

Breaking the cycle will only happen if you treat
your pets at the same time as you treat the
house. 80 - 90% of fleas and eggs are not on
your pet but hiding dormant in your carpet,
furniture and bedding. Eggs become larvae,
larvae become pupae so the more of the pupae you
can hoover up the better. The pupae stage is when
they develop into adult fleas and the cocoon
surrounding the growing flea is water tight and
immune to insecticides. So vacuum as much as you
possibly can before spraying. Be vicious about
it, they will multiply and come back again and
again. When you start spraying make sure you get
into all the tiny cracks and gaps as well as on
your furniture, curtains and rugs. Also bin the
hoover bag when you've finished. Yes believe it
or not the little pests will happily survive in
the warm vacuum sack.

Now even in the winter I groom my pets
thoroughly and keep flea treatments available at
all times. Once I had vigorously tackled my home
and pets I had only one further mild occurrence,
which never returned. The key is to break the
cycle and the only way to do that is to treat
your house and pets at the same time,

Alex Kelly

As a pet owner, my articles are based on issues
I feel are important for fellow animal lovers.
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