Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Tropical Fish Guide - Avoiding Dangers And Hard Fish

By Kevin Aiken

The tropical fish guide will tell you that marine fish could be hard. They are often more aggressive than freshwater fish specifically with members of their own species. It is generally advisable not to have more than one of each species in an aquarium if you are not completely sure that you own a male and female.

Knowing just a little regarding every species you have will assist you to look after your fish better. A tropical fish guide is an excellent source of information on what to feed the fish. There are four main types of fish foods being flakes, live food, frozen or household food items.

Commercially prepared food is usually the safest as they are less likely to contain parasites than the household foods would be. You can purchase them in different sized pellets as some larger fish prefer to eat large flakes. Also fish living on the bottom of the tank might not come to the top so will require pellets which will fall to the floor of the tank. You must vary the diet plan of your fish to keep them active and nourishing.

Some fishes will eat live food. This is best found at a pet store rather than accumulated in a natural way. You do not know whether the food you collect from the river or lake is fresh or not. You could unknowingly cause your fish problems. A number of fishes love earthworms and brine shrimp. If you accumulate worms from your lawn make certain you haven't employed weed killer or any other chemical substances or preservative chemicals on your soil. It is possible to grow some live food in your own home if you want. All you need to do is buy the starter kits and take it from there.

The tropical fish guide will explain various things about your fish and how best to keep them nourishing and content that is the purpose of the overall game.

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