Saturday, December 1, 2012

Everything You Need To Know About Scratching Posts For Cats

By Gloria Gardner

Cats, even though they have long been domesticated, maintain wild tendencies. They certainly fancy themselves wild, how they dash around the the garden, prowling through thick grass. But one tendency can be particularly destructive in the house if it isn't channeled properly. The focus of this particular activity is often on the back of a couch or perhaps a wooden siding of a chair. There is a solution! This is everything you need to know about scratching posts for cats.

There is some dispute over the main function when cats scratch, say a tree. But one of these reasons is the sharpen and refine their claws. It helps them to shed the old and fraying claws, leaving them with fresh and strong ones. This is obviously of large benefit to the animal, particularly if he or she is older and doesn't go outside so often, thus less often encountering trees or fences.

It is disputed that the primary function of this scratching habit is that they are marking their territory. This is generally something we associate with dogs, but in fact kitties do it too. Their paws leave distinctive scents, something beyond the comprehension of human noses, which strike resonance with other felines. The message may be a warning or simply an observance. In any case this gives your pet one more reason to dig his claws deep into your valued possessions.

Although they are technically nocturnal, domestic kitties will often have pent up energy during the day. They need to release it. The scratching post is just the way to do this. Once the cat realizes they can ravage the post with no admonishments and claps, they hold nothing back. Bored they will be no more. This may even lead to a more peaceful nights sleep.

Finally, we have to ask why not? There is no real answer to this question however. The post can be as cheap or expensive as you want, and likewise as simple or complex. For instance, a two by four mounted on a base, maybe with a bit of fabric or carpet attached, makes for a great scratch. Obviously you want to make sure there are no exposed nails or splinters. Let's look after our pets!

That is everything you need to know about scratching posts for cats. Keep in mind that these animals were made to be in trees, made to be amongst wooded realms in which they could ravage and score without reserve. It is only fair that we provide them with at least some semblance of their heritage.

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