Tuesday, November 12, 2013

About Beautiful Bengal Cats For Sale

By Katrina Wheeler

If you are interested in Bengal cats for sale, here are some things you should know about these beautiful animals before choosing one to be your pet. Made as a cross-breed between the Asian leopard cat and the domestic can, they do look like small leopards, but are perfectly affectionate and friendly, just like any other cat. They can have spots or marble patterns, both equally attractive and unusual.

They came in standard and non-standard colors. Standard colors are lynx, sepia, mink, brown and silver, and non-standard colors may include blue and some other colors, equally beautiful. Their belly is usually lighter. Although these cats act just like any other domestic cat, they look like small leopards, thanks to their strong and heavy bones and long bodies.

They were first mentioned somewhere in the end of nineteenth century, but this was never officially confirmed. They were first confirmed in one Belgian magazine, in 1934. Although there are more of sixty thousands of them today, some international associations still don't accept them. These animals are quite healthy, with the exception of one recently discovered recessive disorder that causes blindness in the first year of age, fortunately very rare.

First three generations are used only for breeding purposes, so, when you buy Bengal cat, it has to be at least four generations away from Asian leopard cat. The fourth generation is perfectly adapted to normal life in your family. They might have their own opinion about some things, but all cats do. The big difference is that they will prefer sitting next to you, not in your lap.

Although they can have some other colors, they are mainly divided into two groups, brown spotted and snow spotted. Of course, they can be marbled as well. Rosettes are especially attractive. In this case, the spots are surrounded with dark lines, and can have two or three colors. Three-colored rosette is highly appreciated by some judges.

Snow Bengals are so beautiful and unusual, and they can be spotted or marbled. Thanks to the fact they often have beautiful blue eyes, they are often divided into blue-eyed and any other color eyed. Blue eyed seal lynx point and seal sepia with gold or green eyes are also called Snow leopard Spotteds, and they look especially interesting.

Marble Bengals are especially beautiful. Their swirl shaped markings flow horizontally, and look really interesting. Ocelot patterns with horizontal flow are highly valued, and it usually appears in sepia, mink and lynx variations. Marbled pattern can also have rosettes, i two or more colors, beautifully shaped.

Physically, Bengals are more alike their wild ancestors, but much smaller up to fifteen pounds of weight. The hair is short and smooth, preferably glossy. These curious animals are playful and friendly, and the most interesting thing is that they actually love water. They will allow you to walk them on the leash, and enjoy your company.

Bengal cats for sale can be found online, but you should learn more about these amazing animals before deciding to buy one. They love people, especially children, and they love to play. They are very intelligent, and do requite some attention. They really are especially beautiful and affectionate, and adapted to family life, and you won't regret if you choose one to be your pet.

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