Tuesday, November 12, 2013

In Home Dog Training Northeast Philadelphia Preventing Pet Death

By Katrina Wheeler

With the help of in home dog training Northeast Philadelphia is preventing pet death by stressing the importance of obedience. There are a large number of reasons people surrender dogs to shelters. The shelters say that it boils down to obedience and overpopulation. Shelters want to educate people how compliance can save lives.

Detrimental canine behavior can be changed through behavior modification. There is no need for smells and stains on floors, torn up furniture, excessive hyperactivity, biting and other behaviors that cause pets to be taken to a shelter. With the help of a pet coach, harmful dog habits can be stopped before ending in tragedy. Shelters want people to know that dogs can learn what humans expect.

Obedience efforts break bad habits and promote good behavior. In home animal trainers can bridge the gap between humans and pets. If the caretaker does not understand the dog, then he will not learn to act correctly. The problem is a humans limited understanding of how dogs think. Humanistic mental processes are different from that of a canine. Professionals understand dogs and can interpret an animals motivations.

The number of dogs put to sleep each year is alarming. Shelter dogs will live if they appear obedient to searching families. If dogs receive better training, then more people will leave shelters with a new friend. Educating people on the facts is essential to saving the lives of a countless number of animals. Understanding why animals do what they do can make a difference.

If an owner brings a trainer to the home, and is willing to learn how to communicate with dog, then animals have a better chance of living a happy life. Trainers teach dogs and owners. This is successful when done in the environment the dog knows the best. The dog and owner both learn what to expect from each other after working with a professional dog trainer. The goal is to teach the human techniques used to train the dog.

Bathroom accidents are a reason dogs end up in trouble. A trainer observes behaviors in order to understand why there is a problem. Some of the reasons dogs use the bathroom in the house are house breaking attempts, emotional problems, and mental distress. Once a trainer understands why the dog has accidents, then owners learn how to stop the problem.

Another familiar situation to shelter workers is seeing people give up dogs because of chewing. It is unnecessary to put a pet's life at risk over chewing when it can be fixed by seeking the help of a trainer. The trainer will uncover the reason the dog chews. The trainer will teach the dog not to chew. To assure success, trainers also teach the owner how to teach the dog not to chew.

When exposed to in home dog training Northeast Philadelphia dogs live longer. People need an understanding about the value of raising an obedient pet. People will not be as likely to become so frustrated if they understand their pet. It is never to late to train a dog. Just like it is not to late to educate people on the importance of dog training to prevent euthanization.

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