Saturday, November 16, 2013

Essential Facts On Dog Arthritis Treatment

By Geraldine Dimarco

Some of you may not know this but arthritis is a disease that not only attacks people but animals as well. It is actually one of the most common cases that veterinarians have to address. Canine arthritis is terribly distressing to the suffering dog and the worried pet owner but the good news is, there are things you can do to address it. An excellent dog arthritic treatment can be availed by anyone almost anywhere.

Most of the times, it is the senior canines who have to watch out for arthritis. You should care about your pets always, but most especially when they are reaching 10 years of age. The years of all the rough housing and whatever lifestyle they had will inevitably show up on his health issues. These older dogs will likely also be suffering from vision and hearing impairment as well.

Younger dogs can also be in danger of arthritis. Sometimes dogs are born with deformities or they get a sickness that will lead to a form of canine arthritis. Other times, the pup may have sustained leg injuries that when not properly treated, will result in arthritis also. You can maintain an excellent quality of life for the poor animal with the right arthritis medicine for dogs.

Before you proceed in any course of action, have your hound thoroughly examined by a licensed veterinarian. There are occasions when it's not even arthritis that your dog has. Sometimes also your pet may have another medical condition that you didn't know about which will affect the dog arthritic treatment you are planning to undertake for him.

Treatment for canine arthritis usually involves non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, frequently taken together with another prescribed medication or supplement that specifically help in alleviating pain caused by this disease. Look up on some of these beneficial supplements on reliable pet-care sites that will slow down the degenerative effects of arthritis.

The dogs condition can be further enhanced with a diet rich in vitamins and minerals that will boost up his immune system. Helpful herbs that help combat arthritis are alfalfa, yucca, stinging nettles and mussels. Other natural remedies are also available to help keep your dog in the best possible health.

While there is always an excellent arthritis medicine for dogs that you can run to, why take that chance at all? Prevent arthritis from even happening by taking your dog to regular check-ups and having him vaccinated early on. One of the best things you can do is to maintain a light exercise regimen that will increase the much needed lubrication in the joints. It will help ease the pain as well as develop better mobility for the canine.

Sure, arthritis is a bummer and it's never easy to see your beloved pet suffer through it, but don't let that stop you from having the best relationship with him. Do whatever you can to keep the effects of arthritis at bay and enjoy his company every chance you get.

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