Thursday, November 7, 2013

Human Remedies For Dogs?

By Geraldine Dimarco

Our dogs are our best friends. The love is mutual and we want the best for them at all times. Unfortunately though, not everything is perfect in their world from time to time. Canines are susceptible to pain and diseases that we need to know about to be able to give them the right medication. The wrong treatment can complicate their health and in some cases, can even be fatal.

Most canine disorders cause a measure of pain and discomfort. Because our pets have not yet mastered the art of speaking our language fluently, we are left trying to guess at the nature and source of their suffering. We should have a working knowledge on canine ailments so that we know what dog pain treatment is appropriate to give them when these ailments do comes their way.

If you are like me, you've asked someone a couple of times-can I give my dog aspirin for pain? I mean, very seldom do you hear people complain about aspirin, what harm could it do for our dog-right? Wrong. You may not know it but aspirin when used consistently in small amounts can be a cause of future health problems that are more serious than probably what you were originally treating him with.

There are alternative medications that can be used to relieve your dog's pain instead. Vets often prescribe NSAIDs or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to alleviate the animal's suffering. NSAIDs are often used together with dietary supplements to ease arthritic pain. Zubrin, Novox, Etogesic and Rimadyl are among some of the NSAIDs that are known to be generally safe.

Homeopathic remedies and natural therapies are gaining popularity in treating dog pain as well. Certain herbs have healing properties that are said to improve the function of specific body organs or systems that need to be strengthened. Search for some if these helpful natural elements in some canine websites and try to incorporate these in your dog's meals.

Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Advil and Acetaminophen are over-the-counter drugs that should never be given to dogs in pain. These prescription drugs may be fine with humans, but they contain chemicals that the dog's system cannot take without lasting damage done to his system. If an animal is in extreme pain and suffering, vets sometimes concede to administering narcotics or steroids-but never ever give it without your vet's express approval.

These human pain relief medications contain properties that are completely toxic to animals, and large amounts of them can bring about critical damage to their health. Aspirin thins out the bloodstream which means if your dog is recuperating from internal injuries, severe bruising or extreme physical wounds-then aspirin will be very dangerous for him. So-can I give my dog aspirin for pain? The answer is a resounding no.

Periodic trips to the vet will help in ensuring your dog's health. It is important that any disease will be brought to your attention at its earliest possible time, to avoid severe consequences. Go ahead-find out more reliable facts on your dog's best health and enjoy more quality time with him today!

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