Thursday, November 7, 2013

Silver Labrador Retriever Puppies For Sale At A Bargain

By Sonya Riley

Silver Labrador Retriever puppies for sale have made recent headlines both locally and internationally with the controversy surrounding this breed. This silver variety is not only very rare but they fetch very high prices in the breeding community.

Silver Labradors have never been truly considered a part of the Labrador community. They were thought to in actual fact be of crossbreed origin. It was previously widely believed that they were the result of a Weimaraner cross. The result of this theory has been that many breeders kill these silver pups at birth to prevent their bloodlines from being contaminated or crossed.

This rumor spread like wild fire and was the cause of many disturbing instances in the past. It was often detected that breeders would kill the silver pups in their litters to keep the perception of crossed blood lines out of the picture. This just added to their already miniscule numbers, making them even rarer than ever before.

Luckily with the advancement of technology this rumor was quickly eliminated. Through DNA testing and mapping it was found that there is no evidence of there ever being a crossing with Weimaraner or any other breed. They are in actual fact 100% pure bred Labrador. These dogs are very attentive and can be trained to follow instructions.

There are however the select few that feel these beautifully colored pups are a danger to the standards of other Labradors. There have been reports of breeders killing these pups at birth to protect their statistics and keep their blood lines pure. This is definitely a dangerous road to walk as far as animal rights and controversy is concerned. These pups are currently being registered under the chocolate category.

One of the biggest concerns currently with these canines is the demand and supply problem. Ethical breeders breed with older dogs and a substantial wait period is involved before safe breeding can commence. This also accounts for their high cost. There are however several breeders who start breeding with these dogs from the tender age of just 6 months. This can often result in health problems for the pups and mother. It is of the uttermost importance to ensure that when purchasing a canine that it is done from an ethical breeder with high standard.

When purchasing one of these esteemed canines it is of utmost importance to buy from a reputable breeder. With their increasing popularity there has been an increasing demand. Some breeders are struggling to keep up with the demands and are sacrificing the health of the dogs. Some breeders have been known to start breeding with dogs as young as 6 months. This poses not only a problem to the mother but also to the pups in terms of health and development. These breeders should be avoided at all costs. Buying a cheaper canine will most likely result in more expensive vet bills later on in life.

Silver Labrador Retriever puppies for sale are fetching high prices worldwide. It is however the hope that with the recent research and findings they will stop being killed by Labrador breeders not looking to cross their blood lines and breeds. These dogs are one of the most lovable and disciplined dogs around.

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