Friday, September 26, 2014

Find The Ideal Dog With South African Boerboel Puppies For Sale

By Karina Frost

The old saying goes that a dog is man's best friend. A good canine friend is one that will keep you company, entertain you and give you love and loyalty. An even better friend is one that will protect you too. For the perfect canine friend, look no further than South African boerboel puppies for sale.

In South Africa, one of the meanings for 'boer' is 'farmer' and a boerboel is a farmer's dog. When Europeans came to this harsh land a couple of centuries ago, they needed dogs that could adapt to local conditions and that could also brave dangerous, large predators such as the hyena, the leopard and the lion. They therefore cross-bred their own large dogs with African breeds to create a strong, large dog that could defend the farm.

Another name for the boerboel is South African mastiff. This gives you a clue to what the dogs look like. They're imposing in size and have a large head with loose skin. The coat is often fawn-colored, red or brown but there are dogs that boast a brindled coat pattern too. Often, but not always, the dogs are black all around the mouth and even around the cheeks and eyes.

Their size makes boerboels a great choice of watchdog because they'll intimidate any potential intruder. Moreover, they're brave and won't hesitate to fight to protect their human family. It's important though that they know that you're the boss or it can be difficult to control these intelligent dogs. A well-disciplined boerboel makes a wonderful companion for children too and will even be gentle with cats and birds.

Boerboels are generally very healthy and tough dogs and not prone to health problems. Their short coats make them very easy to groom too and they don't need much more than the occasional bath. As large dogs, boerboels do best when they have plenty of space. For this reason they're more suitable to large yards or farms than to living in apartments.

Boerboels are best suited to people who live an active lifestyle. They need their exercise to keep them from becoming frustrated and destructive. Daily walks are essential to keep them in top condition and they're also very happy if they can play ball. Just remember to give them cheap balls to play with because they're prone to puncturing the ball with their very strong jaws. Also keep an eye on them when they're playing with small children because they don't always realize just how big they are.

The majority of boerboel breeders are in South Africa. Luckily you don't have to travel all the way to that country to get your puppy. Countries such as the United States and Great Britain are home to reputable breeders too. Find one in your area by contacting a local breeders' association or kennel club. Also remember that unless you want a pedigree dog that you can use for breeding or show purposes, it's always preferable to adopt a rescue dog and give it a home where it will be loved.

One very important point to remember for any dog owner is that the animal needs to be trained. This is crucial if you have a large dog such as a boerboel because if it doesn't have any discipline, it can cause damage and even injuries simply because it doesn't know any better. It's best to start the dog's training when it's still a puppy but older dogs can be trained with success too, especially if you enlist the help of a professional dog trainer.

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