Saturday, November 5, 2011

Your Pet Dog Needs A Dog Bed

By Calvin Black

For years, we knew for a fact that our 135 pound Newfoundland slept on the bed - or the couch - while we were gone, so we bought him a memory foam bed and now we don't have that problem any more! This memory foam bed operates just like the ones we humans use. Therefore, your dog enjoys the same benefits of support that we do, especially if you have an old dog suffering with joint problems. We placed his bed directly under the ceiling fan, at the end of our bed. There were many times, when we caught him in a state of nirvana as he just lay in bed on his back with his fur floating in space.

He is one happy dog!

As he has gotten older, we try to keep him healthy, fit and happy so he will be with us a long time. BooBoo, as we fondly call him, is very valuable in our lives. We spoil him with treats but not to the point that his health will be harmed. We limit his food intake and the treats we give him are healthy.He has a tendency to gulp his food and water, like most creatures do.In a matter of seconds, his food disappears.

Even water, he would gulp it down as well. We researched and established the fact that gulping food is harmful to our digestive system. Aside from the effects on our digestive tract, other symptoms such as nausea and eating disorders can occur. Then, we found these really amazing bowls for food and water where it controls his eating and drinking tempo. I guess somebody has to invent one for us too, since we humans like to accelerate everything.

You probably haven't recognized a Newfoundland, but its breed has very thick fur and discards greasy dander. These dogs exhibit a very strong propensity to rescue people from the icy waters of Newfoundland and their fur protects them from the freezing cold. Nevertheless, the prickly heat of the summer in our place can be unpleasant for him.

A lot of hair falls out from his fur. His fur secretes a particular smell. For the duration of the winter season, he starts to smell bad. His coat takes a while to get dry that is why we don't like to bathe him during winter.So we had to find an alternative for bathing. Yes, we found it. We encountered a remarkable ion brush. It uses negative ions and doesn't need water or chemical in cleaning and removing the bad smell, and even untangles tousled fur. BooBoo gets to be cleaned during summer and winter, and we will enjoy him smelling fresh. Humans and dog alike are pleased.

All right, we do indulge our pets. Yet, they give us so much in return. A lot of exercise, healthy diet, adequate rest and most particularly loads of love yields a fit and happy dog.

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Sting said...

crate dog beds are normally flat and can be purchased with various colors. Many come with slip covers that can be machine washed. If you decide to remove the crate, they can be nicely placed on a hard floor or any other area in the house for a comfortable sleep.