The 252nd MKA All Breed Championship Show, on July 22, 2007 (Sunday 10.00am) at Kenyalang Park Community Hall
Sarawak's Biggest Dog Show was held in Kuching on July 21 & 22, 2007 (Saturday & Sunday respectively)
The 252nd MKA All Breed Championship Show, was organised by The Malaysian Kennel Association (MKA).
It was held at Kenyalang Park Community Hall on Sunday (July 22 2007) at 10.00 a.m
Participants Lining up their Breed for the Championship (Pure Breeds Only)
The Community Hall was fairly packed and it was nicely air conditioned as well, making the event very comfortable and relaxing.
We like this Beagle a lot. It looks much different from other Beagles because it does not have the black patch. It looks very fair and unique. The owner is Amy, from Amazing Pets Kuching.
This puppies are for sale. Not sure what breed but we guess its either a Terrier / Shih Tzu type .....
Guess How Much?
..... hehe... RM600.00 Reasonable if its a pure breed and comes from healthy and good breed.
We were fascinated at how well behave this pug was. There are many people calling him, and even dogs barking at him at times, but he just sat quitely on top of his "portable doggie cage" minding his own business :)
Some good guides and tips for dog lovers as well.....

Overall, it was a very enjoyable and satisfying event .
- Here are some of the write up taken from The Borneo Post
KUCHING: Looking dignified and robust, a 25-month old Boxer strutted to the podium to claim the ‘Best-in-Show’ title in the 252nd Malaysia Kennel Association (MKA) All Breed Championship Dog Show here yesterday.
- Fondly known as ‘Who’s That Boy’, the boxer belongs to Wong Soon Thien and handler Ivan Wong, both from Ipoh.
‘Who’s That Boy’ beat 70 other dogs from all over Malaysia for the title, adding another trophy to its chest along with past accolades including ‘Malaysian Champion’.
Trailing behind to win the ‘Reserve Best-in-Show’ was Brave Heart a Siberian husky belonging to Chan Chung Leong and Yong Wei Fen.
- The ‘Best Sarawak Dog’ title went to Be’Cut, a three-year-old German Shepherd belonging to Christopher Lim.
The competition featured various breeds namely the German Shepherd, Rottweiler, Boxer, St. Bernard, Australian Silky Terrier, Basset Hound, Labrador, Golden Retriever, Pug, Pekingese and Shih Tzu.
- The judge was MKA president Chan Weng Who. A licensed judge he had presided in similar shows in Australia, New Zealand, Italy, Philippines and India.
A dog becomes a Malaysian Champion when it has won three challenge certificates under three different judges at different shows or accumulates 36 championship points and that all awards won at MKA Championship Shows are recognised worldwide. "
- article source form TheBorneoPost

Hallo! I am looking forward to this post as I can't attend the show! Most informative! Have a nice day.
horny: glad you liked it and thanks for dropping by :)
where can i find a beagle puppy in kuching? how much will it cost? thanks
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