Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Casey and Peanut Taking a Short Break ...

Dear Readers ...... Des and I will be taking a short break. We will be going for a short trip to Singapore starting tomorrow (Thursday July 12th 2007) and will be back by Tuesday (July 17th 2007)
We apologize in advance for not updating our blog in our absence.
Till then, hope to update as soon as possible once we get back...... cheers & take care.

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bokjae said...

Hello, you are tagged again! visit

Horny Ang Moh said...

Hallo! I suppost by now u r back. Have a good trip? Do post up some s'por pic ( never being to s'pore before ). Have a nice day.

xiu.yik said...

Hey, D&D, welcome home. =)
Btw, Des can take plane ah? Take k lor.. and see u guys soon

From Colxy

Casey and Peanut said...

bokjae: Thanks for the Love-Tag :) We will get to it soon :) Till then, thanks again & take care :)

Horny Ang Moh: Hi Horny Ang Moh, always glad to hear from you! No worries, we will post many Photos of Singapore for you!!

Xiu Yik: Thanks for the comment Col Xy, yup Des is ok to fly .... hehe, Singapore shopping exhausting lar... both energy and money :) take care of your self k ... hope to hear good news soon :)