Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Linky Love Tag

We received this Linky Love Tag from Listening..Learning..Living (aka bokjae) on Saturday, July 14, 2007. We Apologize for the delay as we were taking a much needed break to rest our mind and body. It is good to take a break from time to time to travel for it really enriches our mind, thinking horizon and especailly helps us apprecaitte all the small little things that we took for granted. For example, our families, friends, love ones, etc. Travelling also makes us appreciate our own home town and country more. Although we are not as advance and progressive as many other coutries, but thank God, we all live in harmony, tranquility and "less hectic and busy" compare to the more progessive Countires. However, a note of comparison; .... our health care, transport system and quality / standard of living may be low comparing to more progressive nations, but that "challanges / blessings" helps us to make do with all the little that we have, increase our immuine systems and spend less and save more ..... :) Isn't that not a blessing in disguise ?? :)

Listening..Learning..Living is one of Casey and Peanut's favorite blog. That's why we list it in our Favourite List. The writter " Uncle Cheong" is truly a Thinking writter and he writes from his heart and wisdom. I was reading his post this morning on "Drowning Experiencing" and it reminded me of all my near death experiences as well ......... drum roll ...... there are:

  • As a todler at age of less than 1, fell backwards head first from 6 stpes of stairs as I was learning to walk / stand, admited to ICU for 1 night monitoring and had vomited several times ... thank God was alright.
  • At age of 2, was kidnapped by one of my baby sitter to a village, 30 miles from the city. Thanks God, Mom and Dad manage to find me in time :)
  • At age of 4, was trapped in a burning building, and was lucky to be alive when my grandpa, found me, wrap me in his arm and jump 2 storey from a burning building.. Grand Pa is one of my real life greatest HERO!!!
  • At age of 4.5, almost drowned when I was playing with a toy boat on a water tub (3 feet high) used to contain water. Luckily, my uncle happened to walk past the bathroom, and saw me, leg up in the air, but face in the water .... when he got me up, my face was almost purple ... :) Thanks Uncle!!!
  • At age 22, I was walking to work (at 7.00am) in Canada near York University and it was snowing very heavily with about 1 feet of snow on the road and pavement. A car suddenly loose control and was headed straight at me at high speed. The car's right front wheel was on top of the pavement while 3 other wheel was on the road, heading really fast at me as it was out of control.... It was so cold, the road was so slippery, and I could not move fast as the ground was up to I feet high of snow. All I could do was to close my eyes, prayed, and said " God Help Me!" .... Thank God, 5 meters before "impact", somehow, the car manage to gain control and miss me ..... :) God is Good!!!

Infact, there are many more, but will save it fo other times ..... anyways, back to the "Linky Love Post" Here are the guide lines :

1. Write a short paragraph at the beginning of your post and link back to the blog that put you on the list in the paragraph. This isn’t a suggestion. You need to break up the duplicate content. Someone took the time to add you so the least you can do is give them an extra link back.

2. Copy the list of originals below COMPLETELY and add it to your blog. If you would like a different keyword for your blog then change it when you do your post and it should pass to most blogs with that keyword

3. Take the adds from the blog that added you and place them in the “Originals” list.

4. Add at least 1 new blog that you KNOW is using the DO FOLLOW plugin to the list in the “My Adds” section. (Add no more than 5!) Let the people you’ve added know, so that they can keep the list going!

Lastly, Love & Life by itself is truly a blessing and a miracle! So, Casey and Peanut is passing this linky-love to the next five lovely people that visited us this week.

There are:

  1. Fina' Drea
  2. Kerala Articles
  3. Ah Soon
  4. The Far Corner
  5. Life is Just Beautiful

The Originals:This is a Miracle Mariuca Revellian d bImBo Secret of Mind A Great Pleasure Little world of thoughts Renisphere mott's island Kev's Walkabout iBubbs woof Down Memory Lanes Woof & Arf Lovely Mummy Bubba Stuff Mommibee Moments in My Life Rambling Moo All about Zara & Zaria Hip n cool momma Random Thoughts of a Blur Mommy Mylittleanelqianyi Bits & Pieces De’moments chinneeq Giddy Tiger Huei Rabbit Rinnah Simple America Niceheart Ethel Sanna The Queer Chef Shoshana Leahgina> Haze GheeNeng aka Sirena Angelo Ju aka The Border aka Juana of Femjo Tina Keep the Faith jsonvlog Suncoast Scribe Blogging Kenneth My 2 Centavos Worth Manila Mom 3 Dogs, 3 Pigs and A Family Cafe Romanza Earn Global Credit Ability Macuha Flee the Cube Smart Wealthy Rich Fellow Eskimo Pajama Mommy WebStyle Meredith’s Weight Loss Blog Pink Blog Tricia’s Musings Ugh!!’s Greymatter Honeypot Midlife Musings Utterly Geek Whatever I Feel Like My Dandelion Patch Surviving NJ GeekySpeaky Simple Kind Of Life 3DayMom BuyMeBlog The Hockey Dad Twist & Skewer The Hip Mommy's Place Mommyness Is Happiness First Time Dad Listening..Learning..Living Casey and Peanut

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bokjae said...

Hey! thanks for the mention and doing the tag. Yes it is good that you take time off to visit others be they friends or family! You will be remembered and appreciated in their 'hearts' more than you know! See ya!

Casey and Peanut said...

Bokjae: We are happy that you are receiving many deserving awards in your blogs. Its true what you say ..." there are "real" people with hearts, behind the wired internet world" .... keep writing good post!