Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Oprah Winfrey’s Dogs Will Inherit $30 Million

It pays to be one of Oprah Winfrey's pets!
  • According to an insider, Oprah's pampered pooches stand to inherit a whopping $30million if they happen to outlive their owner.
"Oprah has a menagerie of animals and she wants them to be pampered for the rest of their lives if she were to die first," a friend reveals.
  • "She has five dogs plus various other pets, so she rewrote her will to include millions for their care."
Although a $30million trust fund may sound extravagant, it's not much more than pocket change to the media mogul. "Oprah's a billionaire so that's not a lot of money if you look at her entire net worth," her friend points out.
Wow ... what has this world turned into?
  • There will be a new list for Millionaire Pets soon...
  • What about Millionaire Pets Next Door????
  • Is it over the top to leave millions of dollars to your pets?
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Johann The Dog said...

Wow, that's a lot of biscuits!
