Disneyland in Kuching, ... Sarawak, ... Malaysia ??
Can this be Real ....... !! ???
Is it true that there may be a so called "Disneyland" in our very own backyard? .... somewhere in Malaysia .... possibly in Sarawak .... perhaps in Kuching ....... ???? !!!!
We present to you ..... Disini Land .... sounds like Disney Land huh ..... ?? !!!! hehehe (we had the previlage to be invited there by one of the relatives of the owner during Hari Raya break).
Infact, "Disneyland" or better known as "Disiniland" is located in a hidden and secluded place inside Batu Kawa, Kuching.
It is priviately own & built, but opened to the public as well for a fee depending of the nature of activity.
So, what is it anyway? .... is it a Themepark? ... Lake? ... Zoo?, ...Swimming Pool? or Park ....... ????
..... scroll down further .... have a look and find out more ....

..... trying to reach for other horse's food .... :)

...... collection of exotic Birds ..... looks like an owl

a baby crocodile
- Disiniland is indeed a secluded and peaceful Family Fun Park that is hidden .....
- Lastly, the meaning of Di Sini Land means " The Land Situated Right Here" ...... :)
Wah! So much money arrr? For how long u can earn this much??? Do they accept 'hor ny' fellow like me??? He! He! Sorry so many question. Have a nice day!
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