Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Preventing heartworms easier than treatment

Along with melting snow and warmer weather, comes insects � particularly mosquitos that can carry heartworm disease.

Heartworms are ugly worms (as most are), and they can cause a bad disease in pets. Heartworm disease is a parasitic disease that can affect any dog regardless of age, sex or habitat. There have been reported cases in cats as well.

It is spread by mosquitoes and is found, now, in virtually all parts of the United States. It is more prevalent along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts and Ohio and Mississippi river basins. There have been cases reported in the Denver region and other parts of Colorado, so preventative medication is important during the mosquito season � or yearlong if your dog travels to infected warmer states.

The adult worm lives in a dog�s heart and adjacent vessels.

...... So, do becareful dear readers ..... as the warm seaon is near .... here comes the mosquitos ....

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