Sunday, March 15, 2009

Dog Training Tips - What Is There To Learn

By Craig Vic

You might own your dog, but does it often feel that youre the dogs pet instead of his master? Many pet owners face this issue. You cant even relax in your home, because if you displace the dog from his favorite chair, sofa, or side of the bed, youll receive a growl from mans best friend.

If you are frustrated by your dogs habitual disobedience, it is time to reclaim your dominant position within the household. By following the following training regimen, your dog will become a pet again, instead of a furry tyrant.

The difficulty of this task will be determined by the breed of your dog. Some dogs, having been breed for hunting or guarding, are very difficult to train. This having been said, however, any dog is trainable and they will, with patience, obey your commands. A dog will only defy your commands if he is allowed to do so.

In a dogs world dominance is the name of the game. They are pack animals and their main goal is to show who is the leader or "Alpha" dog of the pack. That being said if your dog lies on the sofa when he knows he isn't allowed then he is showing his dominance over you.

Unless you establish that you are the alpha dog within your household pack, your dog will take that role for himself. When you train your dog, emphasis your position as leader of the pack by exuding confidence in both energy and posture. This demonstrates that you are in control and your dog will recognize the fact.

Under no means should you become abusive or aggressive with your dog, but you do need to follow a few training tips which will allow you to successfully correct your pets behavior. These tips may seem awkward at first, but they will work if you follow them. Your pet will become an enjoyable companion and not an aggressive beast. Firstly, during training time, you must use a proper tone of voice.

As pack leader, your voice should be firm, non-emotional, and authoritatively. This conveys to your dog that you are in charge and serious and your pet will have more focus on his training tasks. Use a more affectionate and soft tone when playing, so your dog learns the difference between play and training time. Secondly, in order to establish yourself as the dominant, you must perform every action before your dog is allowed to do so.

Coming in the house, going out of the house, or strolling in the middle of two parked cars should always be done by you first and your dog has to walk in back of you all the time. Mealtime should be an activity that you can use to show you are in charge - you are the first one to eat, and after this you dog eats. You should begin playing with your dog first as well as do anything else first. This won't be easy in the beginning but it will assist you to have a more enjoyable time with your dog in the future.

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