Saturday, April 18, 2009

Bad Dogs

By Daniel Waser

When a dog is termed as bad by the owner, usually it is they who are the cause. The feeling is very irritating when a dog jumps on you and puts paw prints over everything you're wearing. The dog next door might also prefer to leave his calling cards on your front yard.

These dogs are not any worse than they neighboring children who have not been well brought up. What is wrong with the kids or the pet when the concerned adults are not doing their duties? Inexperienced owners would be smart to find a dog trainer who can teach them how to properly handle the animal without breaking its spirit.

You need to ask at the vet's office or local pet stores for names of trainers who hold private or group sessions with the pet and owner; or you could instantly access an online course and nip any behavioral problems in the bud right away.

This training could teach owners how to be in command of their pets. Trainers have been heard to comment that dogs are easer to train to be obedient than their handlers. You want to leash train your dog before you take him out in a park or public but before you do this you must get them accustomed to it first.

One of the behavioral traits is barking; however, this will often annoy almost anyone that can hear it. Shouting or punishing your pet for engaging in this normal communication is counterproductive - as well as confusing to the animal.

Completely suppressing a dog from barking will not help to prevent a burglar from trying to enter your property! Remember not to promote barking when he is a puppy and then get all worked up when he continues to bark even more as he gets bigger.

You could learn from your trainer how to reinforce certain behaviors in a puppy, which you desire, by giving them the occasional gift for being good. You could start rewarding and motivating your puppy so he will continue with the good behavior; most animals will normally stop doing things for which they get reprimanded.

Remember that you can not coach a dog to adapt to certain behaviors which are not part of his genetic make-up. The best option for getting certain specific behavior is to acquire your pet from a breed which displays those traits. When does a dog become good? Well, when you train them with patience, resolve and of course, a great deal of affection.

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