Thursday, April 16, 2009

Dog Training For Playing Fetch

By Casey Swells

So you're the proud owner of a dog and you love him to death. Now you want to play with him in order to strengthen the bond between you two. What better way than to play fetch with your dog?

In order to play fetch with your dog, your dog needs to understand how the game is played. Not all dogs instinctively know how to play fetch. In this case, you'll need to train him to play fetch. Below, I explain in three easy steps how to do this.

1. Your dog needs to pay attention to a ball that you want him to fetch. After all, if he's not paying attention, he'll never chase after it. In order to teach your doggy to become interested in a ball, praise him whenever he sniffs it or pays attention to it in any way. The objective is to teach your dog he will get a reward every time he follows the ball.

2. After your doggy learns paying attention to the ball, he needs to learn to pick it up. Should your doggy pick up the ball all by himself, simply continue petting and praising him. If your doggy doesn't pick up the ball by himself, smear some peanut butter or meat paste on there. Then, every time he picks up the ball, continue praising him and give him a dog treat.

3. Now that your dog has learned to chase and pick up the ball, he needs to bring it back and then let it go. Throw the ball away until your dog follows it and then picks it up. Now you can lure him back to you by waving a dog treat around. Once he comes back to you, he will likely drop the ball so he can have his treat.

After you have gone through these simple steps, you are ready for a few small scale experiments. Throw the ball a short distance and say "Fetch!". If the dog doesn't go after the ball, you should try throwing it closer, or handing it to him again. When he does it correctly, make sure to treat and praise him.

If you repeat this whole process often enough, your dog will learn to play fetch for sure. It's usually a matter of a few weeks. After a few weeks, your dog will have comprehended the whole game of playing fetch. From hereon, playing fetch becomes its own reward. You can still tell him is a good boy, but you won't have to stock up on dog treats anymore. You can save those to teach him another game in the future.

Everybody knows that a dog is a man's best friend. They're great companions and they will always show you unconditional love. Make sure you return the favor by teaching them how to play with you. There's nothing better than playing with your dog to increase the quality of the relationship you have with him!

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