Tuesday, May 12, 2009

7 Dog Obedience Training Tips to Properly Train Your Dog

By Ernst I. Cayemitte

Providing good obedience training to your dog may be the most important thing you need to do not just for your puppy but also for yourself. Dogs are animals, and without proper obedience training, they will indeed behave like animals. In fact, would you not teach your kid the difference between right and wrong? Similarly, if you'd like to develop desirable habits in your puppy and at the same time stop unattractive behaviors, you definitely need to provide your dog with good obedience coaching.

The 7 seven dog obedience training tips below will help you train your dog like a pro:

1. Firstly, you want to get your dog's attention prior to starting the training.

2. Start your dog training sessions as fast as your dog arrives at your place. While you can teach old dogs new behaviors or tricks, remember that what's learned earliest is generally learned easiest and fastest. For this reason, you should begin training your puppy early on.

3. Teach your dog only 1 command at a time, and do not move on until he understands the trick you are trying to teach him. A little while of dog training everyday is all that is required.

4. Instruct your dog with love, kindness and respect as this methodology will undoubtedly help you develop a good connection between you and your puppy.

5. Praise your dog for his good performance time and again. This is a very important practice that you need to follow when training your dog.

6. Congratulate your dog by treating him with delicious things, and by saying to him "Good dog" in a happy voice. You need to reward your puppy every time he follows your command, especially when he is learning a new behavior. After that, you only need to reward your dog's best behavior.

7. Play with your dog often. This will certainly make it easy for you to build a very good relationship between you and your dog.

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